Scott McCall (tell her)

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It was the after party of a lacrosse game where your school, Beacon Hills, and Devenport Prep played against each other. Some freshman who was new to the team was ridiculously rich and his parents were away for the week so he arranged a mass party for your school, and the opposing team.

It had been a week since you discovered the second part of the deadpool and the stress levels were high. You convinced the others to go to the party, and "actually be teenagers for once". Reluctantly, they all agreed, and you arrived at the party with Scott, Stiles, Liam, Lydia, Kira and Malia. Alcohol fumes hit your nostrils as soon as you walked through the door. You made your way over to the kitchen with Lydia and Stiles who were the only ones, including yourself, without healing abilities which meant you could get drunk, and after the stressful week you all had, you could use it.

You gathered a couple of beers to take back to the pack and sat in the conservatory, where you decided to just relax and "be teenagers".

The rest of the night is filled with laughter and jokes. Stiles nudged Scott and gestured towards the front door, which led to a chuckle from them both.

"What is it?" you asked, you weren't drunk unlike others, but you had had a beer.

"Nothing, nothing at all," Stiles laughed. The others turned around to look at the front door and laughed along.

"Is there something I'm missing?"

"No, just that someone else has arrived."


"Brett Talbot." You turned to look around a bit to eagerly which led to an explosion of laughter when you knocked over several empty bottles.

"It's not funny guys!"

"Yeah, but the way you act around him is adorable," said Lydia sipping her cocktail.

"I do not," you defensively said.

"Oh really?" smirked Kira.

"I don't," you whispered taking another mouthful of your beer and paused, "okay maybe a little bit."

Another explosion of laughter.

"It's not like he likes me back or anything is it? I haven't got a chance..."

"Have you actually tried talking to him?" asked Scott, the only helpful member of the group not mocking you.

"Yeah, but whenever I do my voice goes really high pitched and I heard wolves don't exactly like high pitched noises," you said jokingly.

Scott pulled a disproved face, "seriously (Y/N), talk to him."

"No Scott! He'll laugh at me. He just thinks I'm some dorky girl who knows about the supernatural whereas he's this hot lacrosse player who is actually a part of the supernatural. I'm just a nobody," everybody stopped laughing and looked at you. They had no idea you felt this way, "I'm going to get another drink," you said standing up and leaving the room.


You lingered around where everyone was dancing, not particularly wanting to go back after what you said. It was true though, you genuinely thought Brett would not be interested in you. Stiles and Liam looked on from a distance; they looked at each other and knew exactly what they had to do. They ran over to you and started dancing; they always knew what to do to make you feel better. They twirled you around whilst the music played, and made you laugh like you never laughed before. Scott was at the side, chuckling at his friends, well Stiles, drunkenly dancing. He turned to find Kira, but saw Brett near the door looking downhearted. He walked over to him and asked "what's the matter?"

"Nothing, nothing at all," Brett replied, his eyes darting from the floor to looking back at you, Stiles and Liam.

"Come on dude, what is it?"

"I just... I just I don't like the way they hang around with her all the time," he said. Scott knew they were talking about you.

"Do you like her?"

"Yeah of course I do, (Y/N) is a good friend and I-"

"Not like that Brett. I mean do you like her like her?"

"No, I don't," he said avoiding eye contact.

"You're heartbeat says otherwise," Scott said raising an eyebrow, "it says you're lying Brett."

"Why does it matter? She obviously into one of them two," he said gesturing to Stiles and Liam, "I don't know which one but I'm sure she's happy."

Scott laughed to himself, as Brett hurt that he was mocking him.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Dude just tell her," he chuckled, "believe me you won't regret it."


The party was coming to an end and the others were leaving. Scott turned to you, "I'm going to give Stiles and Liam a lift home, do you need a ride?"

"No it's okay, my house is out of the way compared to theirs, I'll get a lift from someone else," you smiled.

"Okay, I'll see you at school." You waved goodbye as they left.

You went into the conservatory you were in before and saw Brett sitting on the couch.

"Oh, sorry, I'll just leave," you said quickly.

"No. Don't go," he said standing up.

You stood against the wall looking back at him, "what is it?"

"Damn it," he said walking towards to slamming his lips onto yours. At first confusion overtook but you didn't disconnect the kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he pushed you against the wall for support. He broke the kiss to look at you, "I've wanted to do that for a long time."

"Finally!" you said connecting the kiss again.

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