Scott McCall (came to help)

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"Y/N!" someone shouted from across the airport. You could barley see, you had two hours of sleep on the plane and some serious jetlag. You soon knew who it was when they wrapped their arms around you. "Lydia, you've changed so much" you laughed, struggling to breathe. You may be a werewolf, but no one gives long hugs like your cousin. "You're one to talk, I barley recognised you. If it wasn't for the hair and moody expression" she joked, finally letting go of you. "So, how do you feel about being back?" she asked, while helping you carry all your luggage. "So far so good, but I would of rather come back on better terms, rather than this whole dark kitsune business" you shrugged. "I agree, but hey lets not think about that for at least the first few hours. We need to go show your new and improved self off to the pack" she said, giving you a small poke. "I thought you told me they knew I was coming back" you said, stopping still. "Erm... they do. In fact Allison is waiting in the car for you. She was going to come in but I told her I wanted to have some catch up time first" she said, dragging you along by your arm. When you eventually made it to the car, it took Allison no longer than three seconds to climb out and hug you. "Hunters. You've definitely been practicing since the last time I saw you" you smiled. "Well I haven't seen you in all your wolf glory yet. I've missed you so much" she beamed, letting go and putting your suitcase on the backseat. "I missed you too, I've missed all of you" you said, shuffling onto the seat next to your things. They both got in the car and began driving. "So... Have I missed anything?" you asked curiously. "You haven't told her?" Allison tried to whisper to Lydia. "You must of forgot I have werewolf hearing and I'm not blind. You haven't told me what?" you questioned, leaning forward. There was a brief moment of them exchanging glares before Lydia began, "I haven't told you that... there's a new member in the pack. She's a Thunder Kitsune and her name's Kira". "That's cool" you said, leaning back into your seat, there was definitely something she wasn't telling you.

"I cant" you said anxiously. You had been parked outside Scott's house for about five minutes, luckily no one had noticed. "You can and you're going to" Lydia said sternly. "You may be a banshee, but I doubt you have superhuman strength or the ability to run really fast, like run off out of here as soon as you unlock the car door" you said, staring at the front of his house through the windshield. "It's going to be fine, I promise" Allison said softly. "If you don't strut your werewolf ass in there, you're cooking dinner tonight" Lydia smirked, knowing that would be enough to convince you alone. "Fine" you whined, as the three of you got out the car and approached the door. You tuned your hearing to hear the words, "Lydia and Allison are back with the pizza" come from Stiles' mouth. You knew she was lying to you, her unsteady heartbeat gave that away but you didn't think it would be about such a major detail. You turned to the side, ready to make run for it but the door swung open before you could move. "Hey, where's the... OMG" Stiles practically shouted in disbelief. You turned to face him and gave a believable smile, you were going to kill Lydia when you got to your aunts. "This is way better than pizza" he grinned, letting the other two walk in. He stopped to give you a hug before following you into the living room. Isaac was sitting on the sofa along with a girl you didn't recognise. Isaac's eyes widened and he stood up to hug you, "Long time no see" he laughed. "You've gotten tall, and you've gained a scarf" you joked. The girl stood up nervously and smiled at you, "You must be Kira, the badass Kitsune, right?" you asked, pulling her into a short hug to not leave her out. "That's me" she said shyly. You could already tell you were going to get along. There was an awkward silence for a moment, "Why does it smell like-" Scott began saying as he walked in, before Lydia, Allison and Stiles moved out of the way so he could see you, "Y/N?" he asked. You nod your head, not able to speak or look away from him. "What are you doing here, in Beacon Hills?" he asked, equally staring back at you. "I erm.. I came to help" you said, barley making a sound. He walked closer over to you, neither of you knowing whether to kiss on the cheek, hug, shake hands or high five. Luckily you avoided the situation of you doing two different things, as you both went in for a hug. You both lingered longer than you should of, melting back into old habits and familiar scents. Stiles cleared his throat, signalling for Scott to let go. You pulled away from each other, both of you trying to conceal a small smile. "Shall we put a film on and do a bit of catching up?" Lydia suggested, clapping her hands together. You all nod and began to get settled. You were just telling Isaac how your flight went, when you saw Allison take Lydia into the kitchen. "One sec" you excused. You walked over to your bag that was in the hall and pretend to get something. You focused your hearing, only catching a bit of their conversation. "When are you going to tell her?" Allison whispered. "I'll tell her but not right now. She seems happy" Lydia replied. "I think it's important she knows Scott and Kira have a thing going on" Allison remarked. Considering it had been over a year, the feelings were still raw, it was like you found him cheating on you or something. Your heart was beating out of your chest and you felt a tight pain in your stomach. You wiped your eyes that had began to tear up and you exhaled, before gathering the courage to walk back into the living room. You looked over to see Kira sitting next to Scott, leaning on him. They were both laughing, but Scott stopped the second he saw you and his body tensed up. "I'm really tired and I just need some rest, I think I'm going to go back to Lydia's. But we need to do this another time for sure" you said, it was obvious you were hurt. "Are you sure? We could all have a pack sleep over like we used to-" Stiles began. "No really, I just need a good nights sleep. Tell Lydia I've got the spare key and I'll get my suitcase from Allison's car tomorrow if she cant carry it." you said, giving a weak smile. "Do you want a lift?" Stiles asked, noticing there was something wrong. "No, I'm fine honestly, see you" you said picking up your bag and heading out the door. "See you" they replied simultaneously. It didn't fully hit you until about half way down the road. Your walk turned into a run and your tears turned into loud sobs. You should of seen this coming, did you expect him to wait around for you forever? " Where's Y/N?" Lydia asked concerned, walking back into the living room. "She just took off, she's heading back to yours" Isaac said. "Is she ok?" Allison questioned. "She didn't seem it" Stiles said, shaking his head, trying to come to a conclusion. "Well cant werewolves smell emotions?" Lydia asked, her voice getting higher. "She smelled upset" Isaac said, not sure if he was right or not. "No, she smelt heartbroken" Scott said, staring down at his hands.

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