Brett Talbot (smut)

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Devenford Prep and Beacon Hills had another scrimmage tonight. You were kind of dreading it, since you wanted to support your school, but at the same time, your boyfriend was on the opposing team, and you wanted to support him. You were always there at his matches, despite if you had to travel a long while. You promised him and you were most definitely not about to break a promise.

With the cheers for Beacon Hills sounding around you, you kept whispering for Brett, telling him he was doing great and that he was going to make the shot.

It wasn't working.

Devenford was losing, and Brett looked fed up with it all, about to give up for the first time ever. You told your friends you'd be back before making your way down to the bottom of the seats and stood next to the Cyclones' bench. Brett spotted you there when he ran past and you sent him an encouraging smile. He just nodded before making a shot, pulling his team up to equal scores. He ran over as everyone celebrated.

"Everything okay?" he asked you.

"I'm fine, but you don't look like it," you told him.

"Just annoyed," he shrugged, looking over to the captain of your school's team.

His name was called and he turned, waving his hand to say he would be there for a second, but you grabbed his arm and pulled him closer so you could whisper and not to have to shout for everyone else to hear. "If you win, I'm up for anything," you told him quietly and he pulled away smirking before nodding and rushing off to his spot.

They won. So of course, you knew you were in for something different... But what, you had no clue. Yet.

"Meet me in the locker room in twenty minutes," Brett told you as they ran off and you nodded, going to sit with your friends on the top row, summing up the match in your own words. They commented on your conversation with Brett, but they hadn't heard anything, of course. You told them you'd drive yourself home before walking towards the locker room, opening the door quietly and slowly, but finding it empty, except for the running of the shower. You walked in and closed the door after you, walking further into the room which only confirmed that there was no soul in sight.

"Brett?" You asked, slipping your bag onto the bench and slipping your hands into your pockets as you wandered over to the showers, the only source of sound. "You in here?" you asked again and suddenly, his head slid out from behind the wall separating the showers from the rest of the changing room and he waved you over with a smile. "What-"

"You might want to take your jacket off. And just undress in general," he told you before going back under the flow of the water.

"This is the thing you wanted to-"

"You said anything!" he replied and his head popped out again. "And you might want to lock the door as well," he said, but this time, he didn't go back as fast since you were now in only jeans, your shoes, jacket and shirt on the bench by his bag before you threw him a questioning look and went over to the door, locking it from the inside before you unzipped your jeans and pushed them out, thinking to leave your underwear on as you walked over to the showers and he turned his torso to look over his shoulder once he heard you approaching. He smirked slightly before indicated for you to take the last two pieces off, so you did so, slowly and a little unsure.

"Are you sure?" you asked quietly, undoing the clasp of your bra.

"Trust me, you're beautiful," he smiled softly as you slipped the straps down your arms and then let them fall before you threw the garment onto the rest of your stuff by his bag. You saw him watch you out of the corner of your eyes before you pushed the last piece of clothing down your legs and then also threw that over, quickly taking a few steps closer to him as to try and hide yourself as much as you could. "Don't hide," he smiled, winding an arm around your waist and pushing you away just slightly so he could take a better look at you.


"Are you okay?" he asked and you thought about it, but then you realised something.

He was in the same position as you. Revealed, in the open. And yes, you most certainly liked the view you were given...

"I'm fine," you smiled, finally more comfortable with the surroundings and his movements and lightest of touches across your bare skin. "You were great," you told him, your arms finding their way around his neck as you slipped a hand into his hair, playing with it while he just looked at you, eyes locked.

"I had help," he smirked before his lips touched your neck and he took a deep breath in, making you shiver though only slightly. "To know that you were out there, trying your best to cheer me on," he stopped and quickly tightened his hold on your waist, your body slamming into his, your head now just out of the way of the water as his head was still at your neck. Your hair was still up in a ponytail like it had been for the game, which gave him lots of space.

"Would you-"

"Don't be impatient," he chuckled and then his lips attached to your skin, sucking at the surface while your eyes closed, your body melting into his, hands behind his neck and once he found your most sensitive spot on your neck, you hands tugged at his hair, needing to do something.

With just a few minutes in the shower, and already you felt weak in his arms, not knowing what to do with yourself as his hands glided over each of your insecurities and proud spots, soft and light, but then massaging your skin once he reached your hips, pulling you into him, feeling his skin against yours. It was then when you couldn't keep anything inside and breaths turned into whimpers, groans and general sounds of content. He placed his lips on yours, pushing against them, hard, tongues meshing together, his winning the short fight for dominance, groans also leaving his mouth once you felt his hands glide a little lower down, pushing you as close as possible, nothing being hidden form you.

You didn't even realise when you were filled, but the loud, desperate moan that left your lips, sliding into his mouth was definitely not missed by him as his hips started to move. His hands were touching every part of you, the water washing any slight pain away as you kept tugging at his hair, both of your breaths mingling and becoming heavier. Your hands soon left the back of his head and he had pulled you up and around his waist, your ankles locking behind his back, the angle causing more pressure to build up faster in your stomach, your nails digging into his back while he pressed yours against the tiled wall.

Your names echoed in the big room, rivalling with the sound of the water rushing, just like Brett was, and just like the pleasure tried to find the end. Swearwords soon were also leaving both of your lips, groans emitted as he chased the release, pulling out just a second before he did, seconds after you had find yours.

The two of you stood under the sower, your hands pressing his forehead to yours as you both panted, breaths mingling with the steam around you.

"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that," he breathed out, though you could hardly hear him over the water. He opened his eyes and you spotted glowing gold taking the place of the usual colour of his iris before he closed them again, swallowed, and then opened them again to be back to normal. "I still do," he added, making you smile, which only played with him more.

"You may have to wait until we get home," you told him, locking eyes for a second before you pulled away and picked up his towel for the hanger, winding it around yourself, hearing the shower shut off and then the light padding of his feet walking over to you.

"May not make it," he told you, his arms locking you in, holding the towel closed over you.


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