Stiles Stilinski ( tree house)

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The woods are not your favorite place in the world, especially at night. You've tried to avoid the woods during the dark hours, but when half of your friends are werewolves it's inevitable. During the daylight, you can see everything clear as day in the woods. Whereas at night, being a regular human with no supernatural abilities, you never know what's creeping around in the dark.

Your nose crinkles as the scent of mint trees crosses your nose with the steady wind. The breeze is light, but strong enough to hear branches creaking and clattering leaves. In the distance, bushes shook as small animals squirmed underneath, owls hooted into the night sky, and insects hummed with the wind. The hanging branches created eerie looking shadows as the moon shine through the woods.

Feet shuffled as you walked behind the pack that followed Scott. You tried to look everywhere to make sure you wouldn't trip over a trunk or broken branch, bump into a tree filled with green moss. Clearly you weren't paying close attention as you walked into a spider web causing you to shriek.

"Who's bright idea was this again?" you groaned furiously as you wiped off the spider web.

"Yeah, because we as humans have a serious disadvantage here compared to you wolves with superior hearing." Stiles pointed at Scott and Isaac.

"Exactly! You would be able to hear our heartbeats, especially if we get scared." You folded your arms to my chest.

"Someone a little scared?" Isaac questioned.

"No," your heart skipped a beat making Isaac smirk.

"The game is cops and robbers." Scott stopped randomly in the middle of the woods, as everyone formed a circle around him. He continued explaining, "It's exactly like hide and seek, except you're allowed to move from your hiding place. And once a cop catches you, you become a cop and have to help them catch the rest of the robbers until the last one wins the game."

"What's the point of this," Lydia sighed, knowing she would rather be doing something much better than playing a child's game.

"After everything we've been through with the kanima business, we deserve a little fun under the moon for once," Scott admitted.

"Scotty boy is right," Stiles patted Scott's back. "Let's do this."

You couldn't believe you were about to run around in the woods with your friends, half of them being werewolves, in the middle of the night. You didn't care that supernatural things weren't happening anymore, you couldn't help but feel anxious. You reached for your phone in your back pocket, pulled it out and turned on the flashlight.

"Seriously? A flashlight?" Isaac shook his head.

"Sorry, not all of us have night vision like certain fur-balls," you quickly snapped back, already annoyed with this stupid game.

"Fur-balls? Nice touch," Stiles grinned. "I'm going to use that sometime."

"Alright, enough already." Scott ordered. "I'll volunteer as cop, if no one else wants to." No one spoke up. "Okay, I'll count to 50. Ready?"

"Wait! No wolf powers," you demanded as you placed your hands on your hips. "That includes your speed."

"Or night vision," Stiles added.

"Hearing," Lydia said.

"And scent," Allison gestured as she pointed to her own nose.

Isaac eyes frowned forward. "Then what's the point of playing this game?!"

"To be normal for once, just regular teenagers having some fun and not dealing with supernatural problems," Scott said softly. "1... 2....3...."

Everyone ran their separate ways into the woods. As you ran without a specific destination, your heart began to race, and your breathing became uneven. You had to slow down before you passed out from not getting enough oxygen. You looked to the left and saw nothing, or rather, no one. You turned to the right to see a path hidden in the dark. With your cell phone in your hand and the flashlight on, you followed the path into the unknown darkness.

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