Scott McCall (smut)

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After everything that had been going on, you all thought it was time to get away somewhere, even for just one day without drama. So the beach it was.

You had driven there with Scott, who took you both on his bike, leaving your stuff with Stiles and his jeep as he took Malia, everyone's stuff in the back seat, Kira, Liam and Mason (who tagged along for the day) carpooling with Lydia while Derek and Braeden took their own car as well. It was something you all needed, and plus, it had been too hot in the last few days so the beach was perfect.

Luckily, your family owned a cabin by the beach where all of you could stay, with your own part of the beach in front of you. It was something your parents always wanted that was passed down in your family and it was very handy this once. You rented it out most times, which was how you could afford it, but they let you have it for the weekend.

You tapped Scott's left shoulder and he turned, signalling for Stiles as well and soon, all of you parked in the driveway and garage and in front, on the street. Everyone got out of their cars and rushed up into the house, calling one of the four rooms. It would even out as three per room, but of course, it was a little more complicated than that.

"I'm not rooming with them, no way," Stiles said as Liam and Mason were already laughing at something. Of course, he felt left out.

"Stiles, just-"

"No, I'm serious, it'd be like you rooming with Derek and Braeden," he told you, making you roll your eyes.

"I'll room with them," Scott rolled his eyes. "You room with Lydia and Kira, and-"

"How about the bros together, girls in another and Liam and Mason can enjoy themselves as well? We'll fit into a room, the four of us. Then you can clear out when Malia moves over to Stiles'," you said, knowing exactly how it would go down.

"Hey!" Stiles objected but Scott nodded and so the rooms were arranged.

Once everyone settled in and some changed, you all made your way down to the beach. You wore your favourite bikini and threw a large tee shirt over it, pulling shorts on as well. You walked beside Scott, who threw his arm over your shoulders, pulling you in close. "This was a great idea," he told you with a smile while everyone lay towels down on the hot sand and Liam and Mason ran off into the water, already picking on each other.

"Everyone just needs to take a break, so of course," you replied to him while he pushed the umbrella stick into the sand and Stiles put the umbrella in. It was meant to be for the table outside of the house, but you all needed some shade, so why not?

"You coming in?" Scott asked as he took his shirt off and then threw it onto his towel and you nodded, tying your hair up before seeing him run in after Stiles. You smiled, watching everyone finally being the carefree teenagers they should be, laughing for real, with no worries for now. It was a good idea.

You swiftly pulled your shirt off and then pushed your shorts down, letting them fall onto the towel before taking your sunglasses off and also putting them onto it and then you turned to the water to see Scott just standing with the water up to his waist, staring at you. You shot him a questioning look, but he didn't move.

What you didn't realise, and what he most definitely did, was that he had never really seen you in a bikini before. Sure, a top, or just the bottoms, but never in just your bikini. Now was the first time in the months you've been dating, so it was a totally new view for him, which he thoroughly enjoyed. So thoroughly in fact, that Derek looked over to Scott and then you as you walked into the water and let your feet get used to the cold temperature.

"Scott, stop," he chuckled as he walked closer to him.

"Huh?" your boyfriend asked, still unable to tear his eyes away from you.

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