Isaac Lahey (learn something )

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"What?" you put the test down on your table as Finstock walked back to the front, your paper being the last he put onto the table. He turned, stopping next to Stiles' desk and look back at you with one of those faces that told you of the sarcastic remark that was about to be thrown your way.

"Would you like me to read it out for you, Y/L/N?" he asked, pulling his eyebrows, knowing that your thoughts were far from that...

"Not particularly," you replied. Anyone - except for maybe Greenberg - can get away with anything when it came to replying to coach, so you know detention was not in the pack.

"Then deal with it," he shrugged and went back to the class while you sunk down in your seat.

"Hey," you turned your head to see Scott leaning forward to talk to you. "You want some help?" he asked, nodding to your paper.

"It'd be appreciated," you sighed, seeing his smile.

"Here, Isaac will probably help more than I would," he passed you a slip of paper with Isaac's name and number on it.

"Thanks Scott," you smiled, taking it. He just shrugged, mirroring your smile, before both of you went back to the lesson.

Once the lesson ended, you gathered your things and pulled out the slip of paper, dialling Isaac's number, not knowing if he was in school, or if he would even pick up the number.

"Why are you ringing me if I'm right here?" you turned around, books close to your chest, hand keeping your phone at your ear as you saw Isaac right behind you, smiling, holding his phone in his hand. "Everything okay?" he asked.

"Scott said you could help with my Econ grade," you hung up the call, slipping the phone into your pocket and facing him as he also put his phone into his pocket.

"Sure, what's the damage?" he asked, watching you pull the test paper from your folder in your hand. You handed him the failed test and he nodded, eyes widening a fraction before he looked back up at you. "This is a joke right?"

"Uh, no, I just flipped," you tried to offer as an explanation, trying not to rush your hand through your hair, but the nervousness kind of got to you, making you do it anyway. "Look, can you help me or not?" you asked, seeing him look through the test.

"Nothing is impossible," he shrugged and looked up at you with a smile on his face, handing the paper back. "See you in the econ classroom last period? You have a free, don't you?" he asked as you put the paper in your folder.

"Uh yeah, sure. Sure you want to do it in school?"

"Well we can't really go to my house," he drifted off as you furrowed your eyebrows, not understanding. "I live with Scott, he's gonna have Kira around tonight. It'd be awkward," he shrugged. "And I'm guessing it's a no at yours-"

"Well, kinda, yeah, sorry," you sighed. You were going to be sleeping at Lydia's house that night, because it was your parents' anniversary, and you were not about to stay in the same house while your future siblings or whatever was being thought of... Ew, no.

"Cool, so last free?" he smiled and you nodded. "Want to grab some lunch?" he chuckled as the two of you stood in the middle of the hallways, not knowing what to do. You nodded again, happy that it wouldn't be another long awkward silence.

You were friends with Isaac and his whole group, but you just thought they were normal teenagers, humans. They'd kept everything hidden from you. Nevertheless, they still hung out with you, but you'd overlooked the sudden disappearances and etc. It was an odd friendship, but you were more thankful and happy to have them, these amazing people, for you. They helped you out with everything,

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