Malia Tate (smut)

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You were sudying with Malia for the upcoming finals, and let's just say it wasn't really working out...

"It's not that hard," you groaned for about the fifth time.

"I still don't get it! Why would they ask a question not related to the rule?" she asked, flipping another page in your textbook and you rolled over onto your back, partially giving up. It was hard to study with Malia, she was stubborn and couldn't grasp the basics. Though how could she, she missed out on the introductions and things like 3.14159265 just aren't needed in the wild.

"Because they're examiners," you replied before sitting up.

"We could so be doing other things right now," she sighed, sitting back and throwing Lydia's book onto your textbook before looking over at you. "This is so boring. Can we take a break?" she asked.

"No. If we don't do this now, we never will," you looked over at her immediately.

"Ugh," she groaned.

"Okay, look, how about we make it interesting?" you asked, thinking of ways to try and get this studying done.

"Like how? If I get a question right I get something?" she asked, apparently not taking it seriously.

"Yeah, exactly," you said, picking up your history book. "You get one thing right-"

"Okay, I get something right, you take something off," she nodded, getting into it.

"That's kind of not what I was thinking, but okay. If you get it wrong, you take it off," you shrugged as she agreed. So you started asking her questions sbout your topics, and before you knew it, you were sitting in a top and underwear while she sat in her shorts and underwear.

"Okay," you sighed, knowing she would get it, but still feeling a little excited about it.

"Fuck it," she sighed out before taking the book from your hand and pushing her lips onto yours, smiling into the kiss once you tangled your hands into her hair, encouraging her. She pushed you back to lie down and started pulling up your tee shirt, having it up to your bra before she slipped a hand to your back as you arched it, your bare stomach pressing to hers as she unclasped your bra and pushed your shirt up, helping you take it off before slipping off your bra as well. She immediately went back to kissing you, holding you firmer as you tightened your arms around her back and pulling her more into your body before flipping the two of you over, straddling her.

You started to press your lips along her jawline as you reached down to her shorts and unbuttoned them, making her let out a light sigh, which only helped to turn you on more. You pulled back to smirk down at her before moving off to help her pull her shorts down.

"God, you're gorgeous," you whispered out before going back to kissing her and this time biting on her lips, one hand at the back of her neck, the other reaching down and palming her over her underwear, which made her arch her back into your chest as you felt her get wetter by the second as you teased her over the material.

"Don't tease," she whispered out before also touching you and then slipping her hand into your underwear. You continued to make out while her finger started to tease you as well and in a few seconds, you both were quite into it, your bodies on top of each other while you did anything you could to make the other feel better, whispering words a few times. Malia's head was buried into the bedsheets, your studying books long forgotten as you both pleasured each other. Your room was filled with moans as both of you approached your highs and then rode them out, touching each other all over. You felt lucky to have this girl with you, and to be alone in the house, of course.

"Holy shit," you sighed out once you both calmed down and lay next to each other on the bed.

"Can we do that again?" she asked, looking over to you.


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