Stiles Stilinski ( special pt.1)

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No one knew what I was. Thankfully they don't. Who wants to be friends with someone with such weird power? The only person that knows is my grandma, she was only person that understood so that's why I moved in with her in Beacon Hills. It felt good leaving my old hometown to start off new.

Here I was in my car in the parking lot of Beacon Hills High, watching the students all start to go inside. It's going to be weird to be the new student but I have to get over it soon. The bell rang. I sighed before getting out my car, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. I shut the door before walking inside the school. I found my way to the office easily.

"Miss (Y/L/N)" The principle said. "It's good to have you on board. Let me show you to your first class"

As we headed down the hall he handed me my schedule. He talked about how I'm going to like it here which I highly doubt it. We finally made it to my first class which was Science with Mr. Reynolds I believe.

"Good morning students" The principle said as we walked in the class. I never felt so awkward in my life. "The this (Y/N) (Y/L/n), your new classmate. Please make her feel at home" He said before walking out the classroom.

All eyes were on me but my eyes made direct contact with this boy with amazing eyes. Something about him intrigued me.

"Please Miss (Y/L/N)" Mr. Reynolds brought me back to reality. "Take a seat next to Mr. Stilinski"

The boy who I made eye contact raised his hand to know who he was. I made my way to the seat next to the boy. I felt his eyes on me the entire time. Mr. Reynolds went back to teaching as soon as I took my seat.

"My name's Stiles. Nice to meet you" The boy next me introduced himself to me.

I just gave him a smile because I didn't want to say anything stupid to him.

-Finally the end of the day-

My first day of school was over and boy I was happy. It was such a long day. When I opened my locker I dug into my backpack. I took out my crystal pendant and placed it around my neck. This thing never leaves my side. This gives me my powers.

"Stiles stop staring at her"
"I can't. She's just too beautiful" I heard Stiles say.

A small smile grew on my lips. I never heard that before. Suddenly I felt an evil vibe which caused me to grip my locker. I shut my eyes tightly. Images started to go through my head. Feet running in a forest. Yelling.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I opened my eyes to turn my head to meet Stiles looking concern. I quickly grabbed my backpack and shut my locker.

"I'm fine. I gotta go" I said before walking away.

-In the woods-

I kept my guard up as I kept walking deeper in the woods. I started to recognize a few things from my vision but stopped as I heard footsteps behind me.

"You must be (Y/N). Am I right?"

I slowly turned around to meet a guy wearing a V-Neck. He looked like he was in his thirties or something. This was the bad vibe I felt earlier.

"I'm Peter. And I would love for you to join my pack" Peter smirked.
"You wish" I hissed.
"You should re-think that" Peter started to crack his neck.

Peter started to change. He was a werewolf. He then let out a huge growl. Does he want the whole town to hear him or something?

"You're not the only one that can change" I said.

My pendant started to glow. My outfit suddenly changed. I was now wearing a red v-neck, black leather leggings, combat boot, and fingerless gloves.

Peter started to run towards me. I quickly did a cartwheel to move out the way just in time. I made a staff appear in my hand then I started to run towards Peter. Peter tackled me to the ground. I put the staff in his mouth I knew he wanted to bite me but I won't let him.

"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice said.

I got distracted which Peter took advantage of and sunk his teeth onto my shoulder. Soon his weight was gone. I placed my hand on my side. I felt the blood gushing out.

"(Y/N), I got you" Stiles came to my side. "Hey, stay with me. You're going to be okay"

I looked up at Stiles. He started to look blurry. Is this really the end? On my first day in a new town? This can't be it. Then everything went back.

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