Derek Hale (jealous)

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Derek Hale Imagines


Derek Hale / Teen Wolf

Your name: submit What is this?

"I know, right?" I laugh, joining the guy I've been talking to in the past half hour. I was wary at first when he approached me, but he turned out to be a really nice guy with a great sense of humour. I can't help but love it and allow it to coax me in.

Having this conversation is also an effective way for me to keep my focus away from one Derek Hale for a while. He's apparently too busy to acknowledge any of my hints that I wouldn't hit him with a bat if he asked me out on a date. The guy - named Mike - proceeds to buy me the third drink in a row.

"Oh, I don't think it's a good idea," I say, only to make him smile at me sweetly. He cocks his head to the side as he offers, "Something with less alcohol, then?" I bite my lip in consideration, but when my mind starts drifting towards a certain man once more, I nod with determination. "All right."

Mike's face can hardly contain the grin he shoots at me. He turns to the bartender and I let myself scan the crowd. The loud music is beating in my ears, but I've been here for long enough that it's mostly tuned out. Also, here at the bar, it's not as loud.

I come back to myself when Mike nudges my arm with the glass.

"Thanks," I say, accepting the drink and taking a sip. Mike follows suit, then he sets his serving on the surface of the bar, turning to me. I give him a questioning look, for him seeming to have a tad more serious facade on. He clears his throat, and this is the moment when I have a premonition of what is ahead to come.

"I've been thinking," he starts. I have a feeling it will be best if I put my glass on the counter as well. "You seem like a really nice girl, and I love your quirky sense of humour. You're also smart and beautiful, which is a rare pairing." I manage an awkward smile, my cheeks turning a bit pink. Mike shuffles his shoes on the ground, apparently playing with some imaginative dust. He averted his gaze as soon as he started counting my good qualities, so now he relocks gazes with me. "Would you like to... repeat this sometime?"

My mouth falls open, yet no sound comes out. I am literally speechless. What am I to say now? I would love to go out with him, because I fancy him too, but...


There is that one guy who just won't notice me no matter how hard I'm trying. Maybe I should stop already. Maybe Mike could be my first step on my way of ridding my mind of Derek Hale.

I beam a sweet smile at him, but then I feel some warmth on the side of my waist, effectively killing the blossoming grin on my face.

"Get away from her," comes a snarl from next to me. The voice is low, threatening, and eerily familiar. When I turn, I inevitably find myself being faced with Derek. It's a near call that my jaw falls open, but I manage to prevent it in the last second. Mike gives me a confused look.

"I thought you said you were single?" He sounds accusatory now. I'm just about to give an explanation, but Derek beats me to it.

"She just likes to think she is. We have a lot to talk about. Now get away - I asked you politely and I only do that once."

Mike chances a look at me, but I'm staring at Derek as though he were an extraterrestrial with two heads and purple skin. What the Hell does he think he's doing?! When I avert my eyes from the werewolf, I find Mike nowhere.

I glare at Derek.

Before he could do or say anything else, I hop down from the tall stool and make a beeline for the exit. I hurtle my way through the dancing crowd, ignoring everything and being mad at the whole world. I push the door open with more force than would be needed, striding out of the place, fuming. I can hear Derek following not soon after.

"Who the bloody Hell do you think you are?!" I whip around. I'm so not letting him off the hook this time. He clenches his jaw, fixing me with an intense gaze. "I was this close to being asked out and you had to ruin that for me!" I make an aggressive slashing motion with my hand. "Get away from me! I don't want to see you ever again."

I turn on my heels to leave, but he grabs my wrist. I immediately try to yank my arm out of his hold, but it only makes him tighten his grip.

"I'm not letting you leave," he declares. I'm about to snap at him again, but he continues. "Like I said, we have a lot to talk about."

"Yeah?" I ask. "I don't think there is anything we have to talk about." I glance down to where he's still not letting me go. "Besides you taking your hand off of me, that is."

A nerve starts jumping at his temple as he works his jaw, clearly frustrated.

"Look, I really liked this guy. He liked me back, which is a rare occurrence. Why - why did you have to ruin it for me?"

Derek looks away, like the car next to us was particularly interesting to him for a reason. He mumbles something under his breath that I can't catch. I tell him as much, so he repeats it, but he's still too quiet.

"Derek, I honestly can't hear you."

"I said I love you, dammit!" he yells, startling me into puzzled silence. I only manage to blink at him in surprise. Because what did he just say? I must have heard him wrong, right?

"What?" I ask weakly, the disdain ebbing away as it's replaced with curious awe. Derek's fingers go a touch lighter around my wrist.

"I love you," he says again. "And I just... couldn't bear the sight of you leaving with someone else. I didn't want to see you kissing another guy, holding hands with him, going out to dates with him, doing -"

"Derek," I cut him off, catching his attention. "Why haven't you asked me out if you want to be the one I do all those things with?"

"I'm..." he falls silent as he thinks through his words. "Stiles is right about one thing: I'm not good with handling my feelings. So I was okay with protecting you from far away, but then this guy came around and I just -"

"Okay," I say, a smile on my lips now. I raise my free hand to touch his cheek with it, my thumb stroking his skin gently. "It's okay now."

The next thing I know is that Derek's mouth is on mine and he's kissing me gently, but at the same time, with intent. I allow him to dominate the kiss, and I can feel him sliding his hand from my wrist to entwine our fingers. When we break apart, he rests his forehead against mine.

"Pick me up tomorrow at seven," I offer, making him chuckle.

"You're on," he promises, before finding my lips with his again.

Teen Wolf Imagines Where stories live. Discover now