Derek Hale (forever you)

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Since you set eyes on Derek he had interested you. So once he actually met your gaze, and the mate bond clicked inside of both of you, neither of you had any doubt that you would be attached at the hip.

Although the fact that you always hung out and he shared every little secret of his with you, it was a little odd for the rest of the pack. Most of them liked that Derek had a different side with you, and especially the girls commented that you two were very cute together. So he never had anything to worry about, since you were never out of his sight, and everyone always knew that you were with him. Though that didn't mean that you didn't have any friends.

"Stiles, I'm serious, I'll be fine," you chuckled as he continued to drive you to the hospital to see Melissa. You were helping out with one of his investigations, since you were also human so you bonded with him over the whole 'my friends call me fragile so let's use their strength in numbers idea'. However during the 'investigation', you had tripped and he was a little worried that you had a concussion. Actually, he was more worried that Derek would tear his throat out - 'with his teeth' - if he didn't give you back unharmed. Not that Stiles' life was easy, but he kind of liked his throat in its place, he grew a little attached to it...

"Just to check, honestly, I don't want Derek to kill me," he said as he pulled up in a parking space, walking in with you.

Melissa checked you over and once she let you go, telling Stiles that he had nothing to worry about, you made your way out to the Jeep again.

"Y/n," you spun around to see Derek standing by his car, and you waved to him before turning to Stiles and thanking him for making sure you were okay. You pulled him into a quick hug before saying goodbye and rushing over to Derek. The latter just nodded to Stiles gruffly before you pressed a kiss to his cheek and grabbed his hands with a smile.

"Hey, what's up?" you asked him with a smile.

"Why were you at the hospital?" he asked, puling his hands out from yours and staring down at you.

"Oh nothing serious, Stiles was just messing about, we just went to see Melissa," you shrugged, the whole thing not really being a lie, so you didn't have to worry about your heartbeat.

"Get in," he nodded to the passenger side as you looked at him, surprised, and then sat in, knowing that doing as he said would be better than not, since that would probably make him put you into the car himself or threaten you with something, though only lightly. He's your mate, it's not something he really wants to reject. He loves you.

He pulled up at the loft and roughly pulled the keys out before getting out and slamming the door to the car. You sighed before getting out and closing the door a lot softer. You followed him up, but he didn't say anything, not even when the door closed behind you.

"Derek, seriously, are you okay?" you asked as you saw him come back, then he stopped in front of the table.

"I'm fine," he told you, taking his jacket off and putting it onto the table as you walked over. You slipped your arms around his neck, not intending on letting go until he told you what his problem was.

"You're not. What pissed you off?" you asked, seeing right through him.

"You told me you would be working something out with Stiles," he said, sighing, "You always laugh at his stupid sarcastic comments and I-"

"If you're jealous, I have no idea how to properly shut you up," you told him with a small smile. He smiled a little, looking down at you before pressing his lips to yours.

"That's one way," he told you before his lips pressed to the skin on your neck. "Y/n-"

"Do it," you nodded, already knowing what he was going to ask. You had already talked about the mate mark. The bite that was unique to each pair the Luna goddess set. In a few seconds, you felt his teeth prick your skin before he continuously kissed your skin, trying to stop the burning sensation that he left behind, but while you did still feel the sting, you finally felt complete. Derek was your other half, in soul and body, and that was all you needed.

"I belong to you," he told you with a fond smile as you buried your head into his warm chest.

"And I to you," you added to his cheesy sentence.

"I have a forever with you," he said, happy that he could say that, and that he could hear your heartbeat hurry at that.

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