Stiles Stilinski (Avoid)

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Stiles had been avoiding you for almost two weeks now, which was strange because usually he wouldn't let you out of his sight. Whenever you tried to ask him why he was avoiding you or just a simple question like 'what class do you have next?' Stiles made up some excuse and followed Malia, Scott and Kira into the cafeteria where Lydia was waiting for them.

You'd decided not to sit with them anymore because it was just weird. You weren't good friends with Lydia because the two of you didn't talk much. For some reason Malia seemed to be occupying most of Stiles' attention and Scott and Kira were being all lovey-dovey in front of everyone. You didn't really want to be around to see that while your boyfriend was avoiding you like you had the plague.

As it was approaching the third week of Stiles' avoiding you, you decided to send him a text, asking him to come over after school to do so much as explain what was going on. To be honest you were sick of waiting for Stiles to ask you if you wanted to spend time with him. If something else was going on then you wanted to know so you could stop waiting for something that was never going to happen.

Sitting at your desk, you read a few pages of the book in front of you until there was a knock at the door. As you shut the book you looked out your window and saw Stiles' Jeep parked on the curb.

You took a deep breath as you walked to the front door. Stiles stood in front of you with his hands in his pockets and without the usual smile that was normally spread across his face.

"Stiles, we need to talk," You said, looking at him.

Stepping out of the way, you allowed Stiles to walk into your house. The two of you stood in your living room, both looking at the ground to avoid making eye-contact with each other.

"What's going on? It's like I don't even exist anymore," You mumbled, knowing that Stiles could hear you through the silence.

Stiles sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "There's someone else."

"Malia?" You said, biting your tongue to stop yourself from saying anything worse.

He didn't say anything back; he just nodded.

"You could of at least broken up with me before you decided to cheat on me, Stiles."

"I thought you'd get the idea," He trailed off.

"Get out," You almost shouted as you felt tears welling.

"Y/N, I didn't mean to hurt you," Stiles said, his tone low and calm.

"You did. Get out," You repeated.

Stiles did as you said and left your house without having to be told a third time. The second that he left, you felt your legs grow weak and you plummeted to the floor. Tears began running down your cheeks freely and they wouldn't stop.

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