Scott McCall(how I feel)

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You kneeled down at her grave, fresh flowers in your hand, your eyes watering and sad. You had not known Allison for a very long time, but a part of you did miss her, did miss the girl that looked further than what you were, did miss the girl that could even fall in love with what her father and grandfather hated the most.
You wished she was around to tell Scott and the others that maybe they should give you a chance, a chance to become part of the pack, a chance to prove that you might be turning into a fox, but weren't a trickster, weren't a liar, weren't a manipulator.
"I'm so sorry, Allison..." You whispered softly and you dropped the flowers, your hands feeling the ground between your fingers, feeling how a part of you also wished you could just run away from here, could just leave everything behind.
You wanted to be part of the pack, but another part of you didn't want that anymore, didn't want to be with the people that didn't trust you, that had always seen you as bad just because you were fox, that had never given you a fair chance.
"I have never done anything wrong, did I?" You talked out loud, knowing that Allison couldn't hear you, knowing that no-one could hear you. "They did everything wrong." You paused for a moment and bent your head.
"I wish I didn't want to be friends with them anymore..." You started to sniff and the tears were rolling down your cheeks. "And I wish that you wouldn't have died." You forced yourself to smile, forced yourself to stay up, forced yourself to straighten your back, to be strong, to act like everything was just fine.
"(Y/N)?" Scott yelled your name and you turned around, seeing how he started to run, Isaac following him closely. "What are you doing here?" He didn't sound angry or mad, he didn't judge you, not this time, but you couldn't help feeling hurt, hurt because he had never even imagined that you might be missing Allison too.
"Nothing." You tried to walk away, but you felt how Scott grabbed your wrist, holding you back, forcing you to stop walking.
"We need to talk..." He cleared his throat, but you just shook your head, shook your head and turned your wrist to free yourself.
"There is nothing left to say, Scott." You started walking again, looking up at Isaac who was raising his eyebrows, probably thinking about saying something, changing his mind the moment he saw your face.
You would never be one of them and you had been stupid to think that it was even possible, that Scott would care about you, that Scott would want a werefox in his pack, that Scott would trust you around his friends.
You were a fox, just like the trickster spirit, just like the nogitsune that had killed their best friend. Every time they would look at you, they would see him and her and never you. Never the girl that just wanted them to be her friends, never the girl that cared about them, that wanted to protect them, that wanted to help them, that wanted to make sure that Allison would be the last one of them who had died way too young.
You started running, your feet carrying you towards the woods, your body slowly changing, changing into the form that fit you the most, changing you into that what they saw when they looked at you. A fox and nothing more than a fox.

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