Stiles Stilinski ( Pissed)

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It wasn't a shock nor a secret that Liam liked you more than he should have. He was always around you, always finding ways to make you smile and paying you compliments and even occasionally flirting with you. He knew that you were unavailable though. He knew that you loved Stiles and he was trying to be okay with that - it wasn't his place to step in and say, 'You shouldn't be with him' so he kept his mouth shut and focused on being your friend instead.

No one had realised how much Liam cared about you until it was the night of the full moon. Liam still hadn't gained full control over himself when it was the full moon. He'd gotten better at controlling it but he still had a long way to go. Scott was confident in the young Beta that in a few months, he'd have full control over it.

You walked into the McCall house, after strict orders from Stiles to get here as soon as you could, "What's going on?" You asked your boyfriend who looked angrier than ever.

"It's Liam."

You looked at Stiles confused, "Okay?"

"He's turning and we need you." Scott sighed, looking more sad than angry.

"Why do you need me?" Stiles gave you a pointed look and you realised why they'd made you come you here, "Wait, you think I'm his anchor?!"

"We know that you're his anchor." Stiles grumbled, "Him and that stupid crush."

"I think it's a bit more than a crush." Isaac piped up as he walked out of the kitchen, "I think he lo-"

"Shut up, Isaac!" Stiles snapped before turning back to you, "He's in the shower - fully clothed - it helps him a bit." You nodded and began to walk upstairs when Stiles grabbed your wrist and turned you round to kiss him, "I love you."

You rolled your eyes, "Now isn't the time for your jealously, Stiles." You smirked before running upstairs.

"I'm not jealous." Stiles scoffed. Scott smirked at him and Stiles sighed, "Not much."

You walked into Scott's bathroom to see the mirror already shattered with blood running down the broken shards, "Liam?" You questioned. You could hear his growls from behind the shower curtain. You pulled it back slowly.

"Go away," Liam whispered, breathing heavier, as his hands pressed against his face as the water rained down on him. When you didn't turn away and leave, he yelled, "Go away!" His voice was harsher, more... animalistic.

Instead of leaving, you stepped into the bath, carefully, and sat down across from him. The water wasn't spraying on you but you were still getting wet, you didn't care though, "I don't want to hurt you." Liam growled keeping his head down but you saw his eyes flash yellow.

"You're not going to hurt me, Liam." You told him.

"They told you to say that!" He yelled suddenly as his head snapped up and his yellow eyes met yours. It was taking all of his strength to keep it together and hold onto that final shred of humanity.

You shook your head, "They didn't. I know that you're not going to hurt me, Liam."

"How?! I'm-I'm a monster!"

You scooted closer to him, "You're not a monster." He scoffed, "Listen to my heart, Liam." You murmured softly against the beat of the water, "I'm not scared of you. I'm not lying to you either. I know that you're not going to hurt me."

He stayed quiet as he listened to the steady beat of your heart, "I know that you won't hurt me, Liam." You mumbled, "I trust you."

You were both quiet for a second but he was still struggling, "You're one the best people I know." You told him quietly, "You were shoved into this world before you even knew it existed and you accepted it pretty quickly. You're so brave as well, you would anything for Scott, for the pack... for me."

His breathing began to slow, you were becoming his anchor, "You'd never hurt me, Liam, I know that." You nodded, "You'd protect me with your life, wouldn't you?"

His eyes returned from yellow to their normal blue as he focused on your words and on your heart; everything that you said was what you believed was the truth. You scooted closer, hand reaching out, he flinched away but you persisted and took his hand and you both watched his claws retracted.

"How- How did you do that?" He whispered, feeling more human and more vulnerable than ever.

You gave him a small smile, "I'm your anchor." The water rained down on your both and you reached with your free hand to turn the shower off.

"Anchor?" He asked quietly, "What does that mean?"

Sadness crashed over you and he sensed it, "Because of your... feelings for me, it means that I can pull you back; I help you anchor the wolf."

"Oh..." He mumbled, ducking his head so you couldn't see the slight blush that was on his cheek.

"I'm sorry."

He shook his head, giving you a quick, very forced smile, "It's not your fault." He told you and he really meant it.

Your hands were still intertwined as you sat, wet and cold, in the bathtub, when Stiles and Scott walked into the bathroom. Stiles' sour look only worsened when he saw the position that the two of you were in and he walked straight back out again. Scott gave you a quick 'thank you' before following his best friend.

"You should go after him," Liam mumbled, letting your hand go, "He's your boyfriend-"

"He'll get over it," You smiled, "Let's just focus on getting you through this full moon, yeah?"

Liam smiled at you, a real smile, as he watched you and found himself falling just a little bit more for you - the love that could never be. He might have been inappropriately anchored to you but he couldn't help that. He couldn't help the way he felt. He just hoped that Stiles knew how goddamn lucky he was to have someone like you.

"Thank you." Liam whispered softly.

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