Scott McCall (here for you )

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The dread doctors were destroying everything, people were running away, people were getting hurt, friendships were being broken and so were relationships, everything was just going wrong. The pack was slowly starting to fall apart and you were full aware of it, but you were sure that when Scott called the pack meeting at the vets, that everyone would come and everything would be sorted out before it was too late for the pack to get back to where they were meant to be.

The vets was silent as you walked inside, you'd assumed the pack were meeting today, but there was no sign of any of them. Slipping off your jacket you walked inside and began to look around for everyone, but there was only one person inside. "Scott?" You called out to him, you watched and waited for him to speak, but he didn't say a single thing. He just sat on the examination table staring down at the tiled floor. "Hey, Scott?" You called once again, but he still didn't respond.

Your shoulders dropped as you watched him, he looked broken. Moving over to beside him, you jumped up onto the table and reached out and took hold of his hand. "Scott." You whispered, finally getting his attention from the floor. "Oh hey Y/N, when did you arrive?" He asked tilting his head seemingly surprised that you were here. "About two minutes ago." You explained to him as you held his hand.

"What's wrong Scott?" You questioned, looking at the sadness in his eyes. "The pack, we're all falling apart." He answered his voice sounding like it was cracking. Dropping his hand, you moved slightly closer and wrapped your arms around him giving him a big hug. "Scott, what is going on isn't something you can control, we just need to make sure we stick together. That is what a family does, that is how a family becomes stronger."

Scott shook his head and looked down at his hands. "No, not this time, I don't think it is possible. Everyone is too far gone, and look at all the people we have already lost as well. Liam is against me, Stiles... I don't know if I can trust him anymore, Kira has gone and I don't even know where Lydia is anymore." He admitted, his comments made you think of Allison, Derek, Isaac all those members of the family who you had now lost.

"Scott." You mumble stroking his head. "No one is too far gone. We just need to heal the group, we're stronger as a team than apart, we need to fix everything. Every family has issues sometimes so our pack is no different." Jumping off of the counter, you took hold of Scott's hands and look up at him. "Come on, let's go get our family back together." A small smile graced his lips for a moment, before he jumped off of the counter and hugged you tightly.

"Thanks Y/n, you're right we need to fix all of this." Releasing you from the hug, Scott took hold of your hand and headed out of the vets with you to go and find the rest of the pack and begin to fix everything those damn doctors had done to mess you all up

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