Stiles Stilinski (teenagers)

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Even after dating Stiles for a couple of months now, you still questioned if he liked Lydia still or not. You'd known about his little - well not too little - crush on her for a while before, being Lydia's friend yourself, but you never thought it'd be a problem. He hung out with her a lot, due to the whole pack thing. You were told of the supernatural happenings in Beacon Hills just a couple weeks after you started dating Stiles, but he was absolutely clear that you would not be involved or put in danger.

"Stiles, I'm fine," you groaned while he walked right behind you, on your way to class, since the night before, you had gotten caught up in a small disturbance in the clinic, as it was a full moon, and Liam wasn't in total control yet.

"I will seriously k-"

"Stiles!" you exclaimed, spinning around to him, seeing some of the students shoot the two of you questioning looks. You sighed as he watched you with wide eyes. "I'm fine. I wasn't hurt. I'm not a fragile doll, okay?" you asked him, getting frustrated with his constant need to keep you in a place he knew to be good.

"I know, but we're both just human. I at least have a bat or something, but you don't. I can't put you out there without you being able to protect yourself," he sighed, walking beside you.

"You don't make Lydia stay at home, she has just as much chance of defending herself," you scoffed, speeding up a little so you could leave him behind. It was becoming more and more frustrating the more you thought about it...

"Lydia- Lydia's different-"

"How?!" you snapped at him and he stood in the doorway of the classroom, looking lost, mouth opening and closing as if he forgot to take a breath. "That's what I thought," you whispered and sat down in your seat, diagonally behind him while he slowly made his way to his own seat, slipping in and staying quiet for the rest of the lesson, listening, noting things down. Who loved economics? About no one...

"Y/L/N! Are you even paying attention?!" Coach shouted and you looked up from watching the back of Stiles' head, which seemed to be paying more attention to Lydia, next to him, rather than the lesson and Coach's ranting instead.

"I'm sorry," you apologised, gathering your books and bag, standing up.

"Y/L/N, where do you think you're going?"

"Anywhere," you answered, putting the strap of your bag over your shoulder. He seemed taken back that you even answered.

"Why?" he laughed, finding it ridiculous that you thought you could just walk out of his classroom.

"Because, Coach, you may not understand this, but my boyfriend is in love with someone else," you told him before simply walking out of the class, ignoring his shouts behind you.

Although you did want to just leave, you knew you couldn't. You slid down, leaning against the lockers, letting your head drop onto your knees which you drew up into your chest.

"Stilinski!" you heard Coach's shout. "Where do you think you're going?! What is going on today?!"

"I'm the boyfriend," you heard Stiles answer and you got up, knowing he was going to walk out, and you didn't really want to face him.

When you were just down the corridor and at the doors that would lead you to freedom, you heard feet rushing down, rubber soles squeaking against the floor. In a few seconds, your hand was on the door, about to push, but another hand landed on your shoulder. "I don't love her," Stiles breathed out. You slowly turned, seeing him trying to catch his breath as he watched your face stay blank, void of emotion.

"You should stop lying to yourself, and to me," you replied simply, but he shook his head.

"No, you don't understand. I love you, Y/n. I'm over Lydia, I've been over her a long time. You're better for me. You're so much better, I can't let you leave. You're everything I need and more, and I can't even danger the possibility that you'll be gone. I've seen it happen to others, I don't think I could do that. Not again. I just need you to learn how to properly defend yourself. I can't see you get hurt. I know it's selfish, but I love you too much for that. Please," he slid his hand down your arm to hold your hand, which had fallen to your side from the door when you turned.

"Stiles, you still love-"

"I don't. I really don't. He's a friend, but you're so much more than that," he hesitantly took a step closer to you, and you let him, your heart and brain arguing about the situation constantly. "Y/n, you have to trust me," he added, his voice softer as his eyes searched yours. It seemed that he found what he was looking for, because his other hand raised and slipped to your cheek, caressing it before he pulled your head to his, putting his forehead on yours. "I love you. You're the only one I want," he whispered and you smiled slightly, knowing he was saying the truth this time. You saw Lydia and some of the others, including Scott, standing a little way down the corridor, the pack smiling before they walked back into class. You heard the door close before Stiles gently placed his lips to yours, and your smiled widened before you kissed him back.

"I love you too," you whispered before he let out a relieved chuckle and hugged you close to him, kissing you again.

"Stop! God! Teenagers, why do I even bother coming in to work?!" you heard Coach shout and you pulled away, laughing before the two of you shared a look that said all. The only person you wanted in your lives for sure, was each other.

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