Scott McCall (The Bite )

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The library was going to shut in five minutes so you checked out the books you were reading and put them in your bag. As you began the fifteen minute walk home, a shiver runs down your spine and you decide to take a short cut. There's no way you're going to walk the long way home through freezing weather.

It's dark outside; if it wasn't for the few street lights scattered around town you wouldn't be able to say anything. The worst part of your walk is the couple of minutes that you take to cut through the forest instead of walking around it and taking ten minutes. You almost fall over fallen branches and tree roots a couple of times and step in a few puddles as well. Right when you thought you were safe and sound and out of the forest, your shoe gets caught in one of the tree roots and you crash to the ground.

Your backpack is still on your back and it's so dark now that you can't see where the tree root is. You can feel your foot being stuck in it but you can't assess the damage or see anything else around you. Something growls from beside you and you go to jump. Pain sears up your leg and stops you from being able to move. You can't see what's growling but whatever it is bites into your side, making you scream.

The next day is different. You feel confident; almost over-confident and borderline cocky to be honest. So the thing that bit your last night was a werewolf -it was an alpha and you're a beta. Your alpha seemed pretty nice despite the fact that he bit you against your will. You smile to yourself, feeling a little thankful for the bite as you put on an outfit that you'd bought months ago but never thought you looked good wearing. As it turns out it actually looks perfect and you want to wear it every day for the rest of the year.

When you get to school, you go to your locker and smirk to yourself when you see a crowd of guys walk past you and stare. Yesterday you would have felt uncomfortable with that but today felt different -you liked it. Most of the time people starred at you because you had thousands of books in your hands, not because you looked drop dead gorgeous.

You can hear someone talking but you can't place your finger on who it is, you haven't heard their voice before. They're saying something about a new werewolf (they're probably talking about you) and something else about a new alpha in town.

Shrugging, you sling your bag over your shoulder and walk towards your first class for the day. Before you're able to walk through the door, someone pulls the shoulder of your shirt and presses you against the lockers.

"It's her," The one who smells like a wolf says to his human friend.

"Let go of me," You growl, clutching your hand around his wrist.

"I'm Scott," He says quickly, "Who bit you?"

You shook your head and laughed a bit. "Like I'm going to tell you -get go of me, Scott."

With one swift movement you break the bones in his wrist, knowing that they'll heal after. You smile at Scott's friend and walk into your Advanced English class.

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