Stiles Stilinski(hurt)

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I should have never gone out in this heavy storm. It's raining badly and the roads are slippery but i was too much in a rush to care but look now what happened. I'm stuck in a situation where i could die any minute.

"I need to go to work, dad. I'm already late." I said as i was rushing down the stairs. Dad wanted me to call work and tell them i'm not going to make it due to the heavy rain.

"It's raining so hard outside, you could barely see a thing. Let the rain pass y/n." Dad pointed outside the window and i shook my head. I know he's right, i should atleast wait but i can't! I have an important meeting with my boss and if i'm late i'll get fired. I need the money to save up for college.

"Dad, if i'm late i'll get fired." I addressed and grabbed my coat and grabbed everything else i needed. "I love you." I called out before heading to the doors.

"Be careful pumpkin." Dad mumbled and i nodded my head, giving him a smile before leaving. I quickly entered the car trying not to get more soaked. I closed the umbrella and putted all of my stuff on the passenger seat. I have 30 minutes to get there, i can do this. I won't be late. And with that i took out.

I was waiting at a traffic light, waiting for the light turn green. Meanwhile i was waiting, i roamed through the radio channels. Nope, next next no. Untill i came towards a song that i fell madly inlove with. "Baby you light up my world like nobody else." I started singing loudly as i turned the volume higher.

"The way that you flips your hair gets me overwhelmed." I sang loudly and flipped my hair dramatically. I giggle and was about to start singing again when the car behind me started honking.

"Relax you idiot." I muttered under my breath. I started driving but not even a few moments later, everything happened. Everything happened to slow it seems like a dream. A driver runs through a red light and it slams into my car. What's worse is that he came with full speed and the car was huge compared to mine.

The car started rolling around until it was upside down, which made it alot harder to breath or move. I should've listen to my father. But somehow work at the time was more important but it isn't. There's nothing more important in this world than your own life.

I tried to move but i couldn't,pain shoot through my body. It was also hard to breath with the airbag in my face and the seatbelt around my torso. I should have stayed home, dad was right. I could feel tears running down my face but i didn't care. "I love you guys." I mumbled as i thought of my only family. Dad and Stiles, and his friends who's also became like a family of mine. The pain was getting worse and i could feel myself going into unconsciousness. Before i fell into a deep slumber i could hear the sirens in the distance.

Stiles pov

"Scotty, listen to me. We need to do something about Theo and his stupid chimera's pack." I exclaimed and start pacing around the room. Theo has been working on my last nerve and i swear to god i want to kill that son of a bitch. He had caused so many chaos in this town. He even tried to break my bond with Scott, with my best friend. It almost worked but i revenge is the best darn thing right now.

"Stiles relax, we're going to something about it, i promise." Scott assured me and i rolled my eyes before sitting on my bed again.

"I don't understand why he's like this, i used to like that kid in 4th grade." I stated and Scott chuckle at my face expression. I groaned and lay down on my bed, trying to think of something, a plan, anything.

"First thing we need to do is make those chimera's human again." Scott suggest and i looked at him as he's crazy. "Stiles, they're human. They never wanted to be like this so we need to help them."

"So we help the little lost chimera's. What about they're stupid asshole of an alpha?" I asked Scott and he rolled his eyes, probably by the choice of word that i choose.

"We'll do something about it." Scott assured me and i nodded my head. All of the sudden i feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Hey you okay?" Scott asked and quickly made his towards me. I nodded my head and I clutch at my stomach.

"I do-don't know." I looked up at Scott and i could feel that it's getting hard to breath and it's like i'm getting suffocated and can't move.

"Something.,, wrong." I choked out but i could barely form a sentence,trying my best to get some air into my lungs. Something is wrong i could feel it. Something is very very wrong.

"Are you, is this a panic attack? Stiles breath with me." Scott exclaimed and started pacing around not knowing what to do.

"Breath with me. In and out." Scott breathed in and waited for me to do the same before breathing out. "Good again." I was going to do it when my sisters name popped into my head.


Something is wrong with her, not me. I got up and tried getting to the door and run out to find her. But i ended up falling down, clouded by tears and anxiety.

"Stiles you need to lay down!" Scott informed and grabbed my hand to help me towards my bed. No no no something is wrong with my sister.

"Y/n." I mumbled and another pain shoot through me. I looked at Scott and i could feel tears streaming down my face. My dear sister is terribly hurt, i know it.

"Y/n." I sobbed and put my hands on my face. I could feel the pain that she's going through right now, i could feel every inch of emotion she's feeling right now. "Y/n." I screamed and ran out of my room and towards my car.

"Stiles wait!" Scott called out and ran behind me. "Stiles!" Scott growled and i stop dead in my tracks and turned around.

"Y/n, she's hurt i-i can feel it, Scott my sister is hurt." I cried out and kicked my jeep over and over again till Scott had to pull me away.

"What's wrong with your sister, Stiles?" Scott asked and made me look into his eyes. I could see that Scott's trying to help but i'm probably making things worse for him.

"Sh-she's in pain and,, and something, something terrible happened." I exclaimed and started sobbing again. Y/n and me are twins and we only got eachother. I care so much for her. After our mom died i swore on my life that i'll keep her safe from anything.

"How do you know this Stiles?" Scott asked.

"We uh we ha-have this thing." I stutter and could feel tears streaming down my face. "You could say twin telepathy, sort of i think. A-and when she or I i-is in pain we uh we can sense it and that's what i'm feeling right now. I'm not the one in pain, she is!" I tried explaining to Scott and he nodded his head before he could say anything my phone started ringing. I quickly grabbed it and it was my dad.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I asked as i picked up the phone. It was silent on the other line for a few moments. "Dad?!"

"Something happened to your sister, Stiles." He said on the phone and i looked at Scott.

"What happened to y/n?" I asked and ran a hand through my hair, frustrated by everything.

"She got into an accident and-"

I couldn't believe what my dad said. It felt like i'm living in my own little world and i didn't want to wake up. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved. But at that moment i woke up into a nightmare.

"She's hurt badly, there could be a high chance that she's not going to make it."

She's not going to make it.

She's not going to fucking make it.

Those words keeps swirling into my mind. That's all i could think of at that moment. She's not going to make it and i wont ever see her again. You could say at that exact moment my world came crashing down.

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