Stiles Stilinski ( real funny)

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You stood in front of your bedroom mirror smoothing over your dress. Stiles was taking you out to the movies. Your relationship was having a bit of a rough patch. Three times he bailed on you with excuses like 'lacrosse practise' or 'studying'. But this time he promised you to take you on a real date. Movie and a meal. You been excited all day and rushed home to get ready. Your parents were away for the weekend so you were planning on having Stiles stay over afterwards. Stiles was picking you up at 6:00pm and it was currently 5:30pm.

Then it was 5:55pm and there was no sign of him.

6:00pm and no text.

6:10pm. No phone calls.

6:20pm. The movie trailers would've started.

6:40pm. The start of the movie.

6:55pm. Still no texts or calls.

At 7:25pm you gave up and got into your pyjamas but waited downstairs in case he arrived.




11:00pm and you fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning you woke up confused why you weren't in bed when you remembered. Today was Monday so you'd see Stiles at school. You weren't sure whether he just forgot or if he purposefully stood you up. You got to school with enough time to go to your locker and get your books without seeing Stiles. You were too upset and too disappointed to see him. You cried as you walked to school which made your eyes puffy, luckily you didn't bother with makeup otherwise you'd have panda eyes.

"Hey (Y/N)!" A familiar voice called. You turned to look and saw Stiles running towards you. "Hey you," he said smiling as he leaned in to kiss you on the lips. You turned your head away from him so his lips came into contact with your cheek instead. Stiles narrowed his eyebrows at you, "baby what's wrong?"

You sighed, "maybe we shouldn't see each other anymore?"

"When did you start thinking this?" he said worriedly.

"About 6pm last night," you said raising an eyebrow at him.

Stiles looked at you confused when it dawned on him. "Shit! Our date!" You rolled your eyes at him and began to walk away. "No (Y/N), wait! I'm sorry!"

"Leave me alone Stiles," you ran off to your next class not wanting him see you cry.


You didn't talk to Stiles for the next few days. Whenever he sat down at your table in the library, you immediately got up.

"(Y/N), will you please just talk to me?" he whispered, chasing after you.

You ignored him as you returned to the shelves replacing books you had taken out to use for research.

After a moment of silence, he asked "so what are you researching?"

"Revision, Westover's test."

"Crap, yeah I forgot about that.

You raised your eyebrows at him, "forgetting a lot of things recently aren't you Stilinski?"

Stiles sighed, "okay, I deserved that one. At least you're talking to me now," he said hopefully.

You looked at him, rolled your eyes and walked away. When you were nearing the door to the library you stopped, cursed yourself and turned around. Stiles was still standing there with a sad look on his face, an expression of guilt. "I'm going to be here again after school today. Maybe if I see you here too, it wouldn't be a terrible thing."

You turned and left, but out of the corner of your eye you saw Stiles giddily jump up and down.


After school, you re-entered the library. A quick scan of the room showed that Stiles wasn't there, it was only 3:30 so there was still time to show up. After about 15 minutes we began to think he wasn't coming, then another 10 minutes.

You scoffed, "can't believe I actually thought he would come. So stupid (Y/N)." You grabbed your bag, and walked straight into Stiles. He stopped you from falling over, holding yours arms to steady you.

"Woah, (Y/N)," he smiled, "you nearly went flying then."

"You came," you said shocked, "you actually came."

"Yeah, of course I did. Sorry I'm late though, Harris was an ass and decided that I wasn't allowed to leave the room until I cleaned every last beaker and petri dish. Do you want to get started?"

You nodded as you sat back down, with Stiles by your side, and began revising for your history test.

"Listen (Y/N), before we start I-"

"We're revising for this test Stiles, that's all we're doing today."

He paused, "I just want to say I'm sorry (Y/N), and I love you," your eyes didn't leave the book in front of you, "right, so Pearl Harbour..."

You worked for a while until the librarian said it was 6:00 and you had to leave.

"I'll give you a lift home," Stiles said.

"Thanks," you smiled as you began to pack up your stuff, whilst Stiles put away the books you borrowed. You felt guilty for not forgiving him, but you were irritated with him. You didn't want it to be just an apology and it was over with, but you thought he had made an effort, so you should appreciate that. Stiles returned and you walked out the library through the hall way. You were walking side by side, not saying a word to each other. You looked to your side slightly to see Stiles open his mouth to speak, but no words came out. You loved it when he did that. You loved his awkwardness. He always said, even before you were a couple, that you made him speechless. You looked to see Stiles flexing his hand, and then balling it into a fist as if he didn't know what to do with it. Usually whenever you walked together, he would hold your hand or have his arm around your waist. You smiled at this thought and decided encourage him. You slipped your hand into his; he gave you a squeeze as you heard an exhaled breath of relief from him.

You got to his jeep and he drove you home.



"What's the real reason you bailed on me?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Stiles, you and I both know you wouldn't bail on anyone to 'study', you would do anything to get out of it. What's the real reason?"

"(Y/N), if I told you...

"'You'd have to kill me'," you joked.

Stiles chuckled, before looking at you and said "no but somebody might."

Confused, you looked at Stiles. His expression was deadly seriously, "what do you mean?"

"I don't want you getting hurt (Y/N), I'd hate myself if anything happen to you!"

He pulled up at your house.

"I'm a big girl Stiles," you said unbuckling your seatbelt, "I can take care of myself."

"You don't understand - you could get killed!" he blurted out.

"Be realistic," you laughed.

"You want to know the truth? Werewolves and kanimas. That's the truth."

You rolled your eyes at him, "real funny Stiles."

"I'm being serious, it's all true! Jackson is the kanima. Scott is a werewolf, Boyd, Isaac and Erica too!"

"Oh yeah Stiles," you said sarcastically, "and let me guess, there are vampires too."

"(Y/N), I'm being serious."

You look at him in disbelief. "Really Stiles, you make up this ridiculous story to explain why you stood me up?" you said abruptly as you got out of his jeep, "if you don't want to be with me Stiles, that's fine, just don't make up some BS as your excuse!" you shouted slamming the door.

"(Y/N)! Wait!"

"Leave me alone Stiles!"

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