Derek Hale (smut)

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It was just a normal day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping. It was the usual Beacon Hills standard in early winter.

You were heading over to Scott's house to see your boyfriend, Isaac. When you got there, the door was open. When you stepped in you heard noises, like sexual noises. You walked upstairs to the guest room.

"What about Y/N? I thought you two were a couple?"
"Nah, don't worry she's okay with it." You whipped the door opened, furious.
"Isaac! What the hell!" you saw him under the sheets with Erica.
"Y/N! I can explain!"
"No need! I've heard enough!" You slammed the door and stormed out of the house.

There were so many emotions going through your head right now. You were mad, depressed, disowned, distrusted, frustrated, confused. The list could go on and one, but you get the point. You ran until you were out of sight with Scott's house. When you slowed down you began the break down. It was just so heart-breaking that the one you thought you could trust and love with all your heart cheats on you, and not even care. You saw an old loft and knew it was your best friend, Derek's loft. It was the only loft in Beacon Hills, come on. You walked in still balling your eyes out.

"Derek. Derek? Derek! What are you?!" in a softer tone, "I really need you." You walked over to his bed, had your knees to your face and cried uncontrollably. Over an hour passed and you were still on his bed crying. "Strew it, I'm going home," you said slowly. You got up from his bed, and trotted to the door. You started crying again and blobbed down to your knees. "Isaac cheats on me, and now my own best friend isn't picking up his phone or even home!" You let out a sigh cry and cried even more. Then the door slowly opened.

"Oh my god Y/N!" you heard Derek's voice and he fall down to where you were.
"Derek!" you flung your arms around him, "What the hell! You never called me back!"
"I heard what Isaac did to you, so I 'taught him a lesson' I suppose."
You sniffled, "I don't get it, all I do is treat boys with respect and love, but all they do is hurt me. I guess I'm just unlovable."
"Y/N that's not true. I adore everything about you. The way you laugh, the way you dress, how you look beautiful when you wear sweats, a tank top with your hair in bun, that smile I love seeing with your perfect teeth," which made you smile, "Hey there it is. You can list a thousand reason why youre unlovable, but I can list a billion reason why you are lovable," he kissed your cheek. "Now are gonna let a few idiots mess up your life?"
"Well," he got you off the floor, "don't put yourself down then."
"Thanks Derek, you're a great friend," you kissed his cheek. You stared at him for a second then slowly kissed his lips waiting for him to kiss you back, which he did. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his around your waist. You two slowly began taking off each other's clothing; like your sweater, his leather jacket, his white t-shirt, your tanktop, your jeans, his jeans leaving you two only in your undergarments. Falling two the bed, you two still attacking each others lips began ripping off the rest of the things you two had on. At last you two were naked, making out on his bed. You didn't want to stop kissing him. He was perfect, the one you wanted, you needed. He's the one you were looking for all along. He broke the kiss adjust himself entering you slowly. He grunted laying on you.

"That's better. So where were we?" he smile kissing you again has he started thrusting. The thrust were slow, yet deep cause loud moans to fill the loft. Minute by minute his thrust began faster allow moans to escape. You began whimpering in pain. You were not use to Derek's size. Isaac were big, but not as big or powerful as Derek. You could a little pain in your stomach.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" he asked stopping.
"Just a little pain.."
"Wait. Are you a virgin? I'm sorry I could've-"
"No I'm not a virgin! I'm just not used to you. You're strong and big than the others."
"Ha, um should we keep going? I can go slow if you want."
"Yes, but go at the same pace as before. I sorta like the pain, it means you're doing a good job," you smiled kissing him as he started thrusting again. Later your climaxes hit. You grabbed the sheets as he held to the head board. It was silence for a few second until you two we panting as you two were riding your orgasms. Derek's thrust became sloppy and he pulled out lying next to you.

"I love you a lot Derek. I don't know how to repay it back."
"You just did," he kissed you softly as you fall asleep in each others arms.

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