Derek Hale (smut)

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You crashed through the door, scrambling to push Derek's shirt down from his shoulders, since he agreed to wear a button up shirt and some dress pants to dinner, but now they were just offending articles of clothing.

"Come on," he groaned, pulling the sleeves off while his lips were still attached to yours, before your knees hit the edge of the bed and he fell down on top of you, helping to slide the straps of your dress down your arms while he pushed the two of you up higher on the mattress, constantly giving his attention to your lips while you tried to shrug yourself out of your dress, helping him slip off his trousers at the same time. You were both pretty impatient, since it had been the first time in a while when you had the opportunity to do anything like this.

"God, calm down just a bit," you chuckled, managing to slide off your underwear, the dress loosely hanging off you now, his trousers laying somewhere on the ground as you chuckled when his lips gravitated to your neck, harshly sucking at the skin while your hands tangled themselves in his hair, keeping him locked to you.

"Thank you, for dinner, for everything," he breathed while you let out a short giggle.

"Happy birthday," you whispered, since his ear was right by your lips before you pressed them to his earlobe and he chuckled lightly before kissing you once more, his hands roaming the known journey on your body, making you stop your movements and try to fight to breathe normally as his lips continued their assault on your skin.

"God, this is better than I would have hoped," he told you quietly as he had pushed your dress' skirt up and his hands had continued to softly graze your skin, further up to your centre while you arched your back into his chest when he had finally touched the aching spot. Letting out a light, high moan, he groaned before gently pulling your underwear down your legs, your eyes fluttering closed to merely concentrate on the feeling of his skin against yours. "You're so beautiful," he whispered into your air, taking in the bliss at your waving breath before he had pressed himself to you, a moan escaping once more, tumbling into his moth, which was now placed on yours.

His hands pushed your dress higher before you were left in just your bra, and he had undressed to be bare on top of you, still kissing each inch of your skin, pulling the covers over you to keep both of you locked in your own little world as he had entered you, rocking his hips back and forth, your nails raking into his skin, healing in just the next second while your skin kept the red skin in its unnatural pattern, your chests pushing together, breaths and confirmations of pleasure mixing in your light breaths while you kept your eyes locked on his. He made sure you knew what you meant to him, keeping up with the gentle rocking, a small smile on his face while you gasped, your stomach tightening at the same time his did, every millimetre of your skin in contact with his, the warmth enveloping you as he let out a grunt, filling the contraceptive with his own fluid, the euphoric sounds filling the room, bouncing off the walls, hitting both of you again and keeping you locked in your cocoons of pleasure and happiness.

"Thank you, I love you," he whispered to you, softly kissing your shoulder as he kept himself above you. Your head lay in the pillows. This was how both of you stayed for the night, enveloped in each others' feelings, simply in the clouds. Neither of you were about to come back down to the earth anytime soon, since that's what it was, being with Derek. Just intense happiness.

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