Scott McCall (be careful)

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The sun was setting behind Beacon Hills and you held his hand thighter.
"You sure you can handle it?" You asked Scott, giving him a worried glance.
"Yeah... Yeah, I can do it. Don't worry." He said as he gave you a nervous glance before focusing back on the setting sun.
You sighed, hoping everybody would go smoothly. After all it was the night of the full moon, and full moon or not, this pack always had something go wrong.
"Be careful, okay?" You told him as you squiced his hand thighter.
He fully turned to you, looking you straight in the eye.
"I will. I promise." He said, giving you a weak smile, which you replied.
Scott leaned down, his lips meeting yours. The kiss was full of emotions, just as every time you kissed, slow and passionate.
"I promise..." He repeated in a whisper, when you two broke apart.
Scott backed away, slowly letting go of your hand, before turning around, running into the forest.
And you stood on the sightpoint alone.

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