Scott McCall (Missing)

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Scott walked into school worried; he had texted you but never received an answer. He sat in class waiting for you to show up but you never did. He sighed, thinking that you might be late or even just not feeling good. He finally spotted his friends after 3rdperiod and held a concerned face. "Guys, Y/N isn't here today, I got a bad feeling" Stiles looked at him. "What do you think happened, I mean she never just randomly misses school" Scott nodded and sighed leaning against the lockers. "I don't know man; I just got this feeling in the pit of my stomach that something isn't right. I'm worried about her."

Stiles went to his next class and texted his dad, asking him to check out Y/N's house. His dad texted back and said that he was a bit busy at the moment but once he was done, Deputy Parrish and himself would go check out her house and make sure everything was okay. Stiles screen shot the texts and sent them to Scott. Scott replied with a thanks and went about his day worrying about you.

Meanwhile, you were unconscious, you were dreaming about last weekend. You and Scott were lying in a field in the woods staring at the clouds; he held you in his arms lightly kissing your cheeks and forehead as you giggled. You looked up at him kissing him sweetly. You felt yourself awaken in a dark room, you tried to scream but your mouth was taped shut.

Scott sat in the last class tapping his foot nervously. He wanted to leave as soon as possible. Suddenly the bell rang and he took off out the door, running past the group and out to his bike. He jumped on it taking off quickly as the group came out. They all got in their cars following him quickly. Scott prayed to whoever he could that you would just be at home sick in bed, but his gut told him that wasn't what happened. He got to your house and barged in. The house was wrecked and your mother and father lay in the middle of the living room floor dead. Scott rushed upstairs to your room to see you were gone, blood on your bed. He roared out with anger and shifted taking off toward the woods.

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