Liam Dunbar (smut)

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Your life was a cliche, how fetching.

The best friend cliche I am sure you know of, but the thing was, it was real life. And it sucked.

"Hey!" Liam's arm wound around your shoulders as he tugged you back with a grin while you held your books stronger to your chest.

"Hey trouble," you chuckled as you saw his wide smile, which was as carefree as before he had started to act odd. Though you now knew he had a good reason for acting the way he did in junior year, it was always good to have that adorable smile back on his face.

"Are you busy after school?" Liam asked as he lowered his voice a little and you walked to History like that, with his arm around your shoulders and yours holding your books.

"No, not really. I mean I gotta do my algebra homework, but I'm pretty sure I can get that done tomorrow in like two seconds. It's pretty simple," you shrugged a little.

"Can you do mine?" he asked, pulling a smile, eyes wide, teeth showing, at which you tried not to blush. Just your luck that your best friend was what made you weak at the knees.

"Fine, but you owe me," you sighed, trying not to smile.

"Okay, fine, but seriously, free after school? Wanna hang out?" he asked.

"Sure," you smiled as you turned into your classroom, a couple of minutes to go before the bell rang, "Your house or mine?"

"Mine's good," he shrugged.

"Okay, I'll meet you outside of the locker rooms after practise?"


Hanging out with Liam was something you were totally used to. But that didn't mean it was easy.

When playing video games, he sometimes walked around without a shirt on, which not only made you flush a dark red and sometimes cause you to sweat, but also made you stare and a little desperate to see more.

Yeah, it's safe to say you sometimes had impure thoughts about your best friend. Who could blame you though?

The saddest part, was that you didn't see Liam's lingering gazes on you when you left the bathroom door open a crack and he saw you change your shirt from the back to a slouchy shirt for your pyjamas when you slept round each others' houses. The bra straps made him want to tear them off with a quick snip of his claws - which is worth noting that you knew nothing about in that moment - but he didn't care. Once he did have to tell you about his newfound abilities since you had figured out and even helped him, the idea that you loved him despite the animalistic traits ran with him, and he often thought of you gazing into his yellow beta eyes as he told you his feelings for you. He wondered if you'd hold him gently, wanting him to say those words again and again or if you'd immediately tear his clothes off, with lips fused together, or if you'd flat out run,

He was terrified of the likelihood of the latter to be quite honest.

"Hey, you ready?" Liam asked as he stood in front of you.

"Yeah, let's go," you smiled, but the two of you were stopped by Scott and Stiles, the two seniors you were kind of acquainted with now, seeing as Liam introduced you so that they knew his friend who knew about werewolves and the supernatural.

"Hey, where are you guys going?" Stiles asked as the four of you started to walk outside.

"Liam's, to do the algebra homework. Or rather I will be doing the algebra homework and he'll be eating," you replied with a small smile. Stiles was a little like a brother to you, because he took the piss out of Liam as much as you, and he was always helpful, seeing as you were both the human sidekicks.

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