Isaac Lahey (bondage )

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Y/n, you don't need to be invited to some school dance, all right?" Lydia told you after you complained that Isaac didn't understand when you'd been hinting you only wanted him to invite you.

"I know, I just wanted to go with him," you sighed, leaning your back against the lockers next to hers.

"If you really want to go with him, ask him yourself!" she huffed, putting her books in and then closing the door. "Seriously, you can do it. It's not a massive problem. Plus, I'm pretty sure he'd like that too," she said with a slight smirk.

"Ha," you scoffed, "You're funny. I almost couldn't hold back my laughter," you told her sarcastically, adding a roll of your eyes before walking off to the exit and she only chuckled, walking after you. You waited for her to catch up since she was your ride home. "To some guys it must be so weird to get a girl to ask them out. I mean, trust me I know this, it must completely destroy their masculinity," you sighed, walking past the bikes and towards her car. You'd asked one guy out before and it really didn't go down well for you, or for him.

"That's so untrue!" she exclaimed, ready to fight you on it. "It's totally nice and at least they know that you do want to be asked out. Plus, saves them the pressure and nerves. Trust me, some guys find it cute and sexy," she told you as you rolled your eyes. You were used to the idea of boys doing the asking and girls doing the part of being pretty and enjoying everything because they said yes to the right guy. But then again, Lydia was right, as always, and you knew it.

"Maybe, but I can't do it," you finally said. "What if he just doesn't wan me to go with him?" you sighed for about the hundredth time that day.

"Then he doesn't, and we're going to make him regret that decision by making you look the hottest you've ever been," she grinned, opening her car down and you got into the passenger seat.

"That does sound quite fun," you smiled, at which she cheered a little, laughing as she pulled out of the car park.

After picking up your dress from your house - and agreeing to your mom and dad's rules about when to come back and blah blah blah - Lydia drove home to get ready with you and Allison, who was already on her way there. The three of you helped each other out with hair and make up and of course with the worries of how your dresses looked but all of you left the house happy with your appearance. Both of them had dates, but they insisted to go with you to school and meet Aidan and Scott. He and Allison were only going as friends, but he thought it appropriate to invite her.

"Hi girls," Scott smiled as he got out of Stiles' jeep.

"Hey," you smiled as you got out last and Lydia locked her car. The group of you walked in, giving your tickets to the freshman manning the desk before you entered the room and you couldn't help but let your jaw fall at the amazingly decorated hall. Instead of some place you do exercise in, everyone in your year was dressed up to have fun and forget about school, assignments and tests, just to dance, drink punch and talk.

"You want to dance?" you saw Scott and Allison get up as you smiled to her to say it was okay while they walked from your table to the dance floor.

"Lydia?" Aiden asked.

"We're staying," she told him and you couldn't help but chuckle.

"Go, I'll be fine. Have fun, I'll just drink some punch," you said with a grin as she looked at you but then rolled her eyes, pulling Aidan to dance who shot you a thankful look and you shrugged. They deserved to have fun. It was nice of Lydia to think about you, but you really would be fine.

"Hey, uh, you wanna dance?" you looked up to see Stiles smiling, a hand extended.

"Don't you have-"

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