Isaac Lahey (overstem.)

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What the hell do you mean?" Lydia closed her locker and the two of you walked down the hall to yours which you immediately reached to and turned the dial. Opening up your locker, you let out a small sigh, putting your books and folders in.

"It's just- I don't know, it's different, you know?" you shrugged, pausing and turning. "He's so- he's sweet. Which is great! Really, I love him for it, but it just makes me feel like a china doll. It's too soft. I need something exciting," you attempted to explain.

"So you're basically calling your boyfriend a wuss?" Lydia asked as Allison also arrived at your little discussion.

"Who are we talking about?" she asked.

"Isaac," you and Lydia replied as Kira and Malia also appeared from the class juts opposite your locker.

"What's up with Isaac?" Kira asked.

"Not exciting enough," Malia told her. The two others and you looked at her as she just stared back before shrugging. "I can't help it. I heard you two and I listened in," she said.

"Fair enough," you nodded, used to her blunt nature. Taking out your folder, you closed the locker before turning to them. "I just don't know how to tell him," you added to the previous conversation.

"I'm not sure you'll have to," Kira said before you felt arms go around your waist and you smiled as Isaac planted a kiss on your cheek.

"Hey," you chuckled.

"Hey, hi girls," he looked up with a small smile. "Mind if I steal Y/n for the rest of the afternoon?" he asked.

"No way, Lahey! We have a pack movie night, this is a thing, we are not missing another week," Lydia scolded.

"Oh come on, Lydia," he groaned.

"She's right," you smiled, turning your head and pulling back to be able to see him.

"Oh come on! We haven't spent time since the last pack night," he huffed.

"I know, but we promised Scott and Stiles," you told him.

"Promised us what?" Stiles crashed into Malia before grabbing her and pulling her back.

"That we'd be there for the pack night," you told him with a smile.

"Oh no, that just means we have to be in the same house," Stiles winked at you, making Isaac grin as Scott also arrived and threw his arm over Kira's shoulder.

"Isaac and Y/n get special consideration today," he added as you felt Isaac's chest rumble with a chuckle.

"Okay, what are you up to?" you asked suspiciously.

"Since it's the end of the day, after this lesson, you'll find out. See you at mine!" Scott said with a girl before pulling Kira away and the others also left while you just rolled your eyes.

"I'll see you after your bio?" you asked Isaac who was left.

"Sure. I'll meet you at the library," he said and you nodded, going off for your free.

Isaac met you just a couple of seconds before the final bell rang. He sat beside you as you finished the last few words in the paragraph and he read over your shoulder, a hand on your knee.

"Almost finished?" he asked quietly as you smiled and tried to concentrate on the paragraph.

"Almost," you said slowly, writing your last words.

"Good," he breathed, his hand slowly and gently running up and down your thigh. "I have a surprise for you when we get to Stiles'," he said quietly, his voice going lower, huskier.

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