Isaac Lahey (wolf boy)

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"All right, well it's quite a way off, and I'll finish the homework at Stiles' because he's freaking out, so don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Scott told you on his way out of the house, looking into the living room, where you and Isaac were either making out (when Scott was upstairs once Melissa left for work) or watching TV (when Melissa or Scott were around).

"Take your time, we're fine," Isaac waved his hand, one hand entangled in your hair as you lay between his legs your head on his chest. You started with sitting on the sofa, but now you just lay there, you turning when you started making out which wasn't right now.

"Don't scare the neighbours, all right?" you both looked up to see Scott sticking his head into the living room.

"What would we do?!" you asked, acting offended.

"You know," he told you and you chuckled, glancing at Isaac who just smiled to himself, keeping his eyes on the tv screen.

"May I remind you of you and Allison?" you told him, knowing you had him there.

"Y/n, that-"

"We gonna get food today or not? 'Cause it's your job today and I'm getting kinda hungry," you said, happy that you won the race earlier int he day which made Scott in charge of getting food for the week.

"Yeah yeah," he rolled his eyes and then left. You and Isaac waited for the door to close before listening for the bike to leave. Once it did, you jumped up and pulled Isaac with you, himself laughing a little at your actions as you pushed the door open for his room and then pressing him against the wall. He wound his arms around your torso, pulling you into him as he tipped his head and you hugged him with one arm, the other tangled in his hair.

"Fuck, you're a genius," he breathed out as you tugged his shirt over his head and kicked the door closed, just in case.

"I know, for once," you smiled, taking off your sweater and pulling him to the bed, falling back, keeping your hold on his belt loops so he fell with you. He laughed before pushing at your tee shirt as well, kissing you again before he pulled your shirt off and threw it in a general direction, attacking your mouth again.

Since your parents were fully controlling your house - due to you dating a once-thought-to-be-murderer - you didn't have alone time whatsoever. So you tried to make the best of any moment. Which, since having to move to Scott's, became harder as in a house like the McCall's there was just no privacy; someone was always home. So with Isaac not allowed 'round yours and you hanging at Scott's a lot anyway, you treasured moments like these. You had done a few things together, don't misunderstand, but it had been fast and careful. Using the time as you could. Now it would be different.

"How much time do you think?" he asked, breathless, attacking your neck now.

"With Stiles and food?" you moaned before continuing, "About two hours? Tops?" you guessed as you undid his jeans and pushed them down while he continued to suck hickeys on your neck, making you shudder and moan at a few moments. "That do well for you, Mr Lahey?" you asked and he groaned.

"Fuck, yes, I'll make you forget your own name ten times in half of that time," he replied, sending a shiver from the ideas run around your body.

"Please," you moaned appreciatively before winding your legs around his waist and tumbling you around before sitting up and pulling your shorts down so you were just in your underwear, like him. He then turned you guys around again before picking up a belt from the side and quickly tying your hands to the bed. "Oh my- are you serious?" you groaned, tugging at the leather.

"Deadly," he smirked before pressing his lips to every inch of your skin. "I've been waiting too long to do this," he told you, pulling your underwear down and then his and covering himself before entering with no warning. You bit your lip to stop moaning too loud, because you weren't ready and pain and pleasure mixed together as it spread up your body.

"Holy shit, Isaac," you groaned as he started moving and then sucked more on your neck and collarbones before making his way down to your chest. He started moving faster and the pleasure starting creeping, extending its claws in you.

You could not call this sweet, not by a long shot. His movements were quick and hard and while painless, also ruthless. However it did make the pleasure intensify at a rapid pace. So you didn't care. You had him the way he wanted and it was better than you would have hoped or dreamed. You were moaning after each move and so was he, your moans and other sounds of pleasure and slapping skin filling the room, bouncing off the walls and back to you.

When you both released and sighed out, he finally let you touch him, not intending on finishing yet. He pulled the covers over you, so you couldn't see what he was doing, but you did feel his warmth spread over you as the covers closed it in, and then felt the light dancing of his fingertips as they made their way down below your stomach.

He had just started to tease you when you heard some kind of shout. But you didn't care. You were in heaven, all until the door was pushed open and your hands froze in Isaac's hair as he pulled the covers higher and lay on his side, next to you, a hand still palming you under the covers.

"Guys, I got the food," Scott said and froze once he saw your exposed collar bone.

"Okay, now get out," you grabbed Isaac's shirt and scrunched it up, throwing it at him.

"Jesus Christ, guys!" he exclaimed once it registered.

"Get out!" you and Isaac shouted as Isaac threw a pillow at him and he closed the door immediately.

"I'm sorry," he sighed.

"Not your fault," you smiled, climbing on top of him, kissing him again.

"Don't you dare start up again!" you heard Scott shout.

"Then tune out, wolf boy!" you replied, making Isaac smile as he put his hands at your back.

"What about me? I'm a wolf boy," he told you.

"Yeah but you're my wolf boy."

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