Scott McCall (hot stepsister)

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You bounded down the stairs of your home upon hearing the sound of your doorbell constantly ringing.

"I'm coming!" You shout for the third time since the ringing began.

You had been lounging around for the day, watching Netflix and eating junk food when the doorbell had rung. Expecting it to be the pizza guy-who you'd ordered pizza from-you hadn't really changed out of your sweat pants and tank top, also deciding to leave your hair in its messy bun.

You were shocked when you opened the door and two familiar boys from your Econ class-who, might I add, are also on the lacrosse team-were on the otherside.

You watched as both boys' furrowed their eyebrows in confusion. You were just as confused, after all, why would two boys from your class show up at your door step on a random Saturday afternoon?

"Um, hey, is Liam here?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, he's upstairs showering. Do you guys need to talk to him or something?" You ask shyly.

"Yeah, but since he's busy we could-"

"Oh! No, it's fine. You can come in, he should be out in a few minutes anyways," You shrug, stepping aside to let the two boys in.

"Thanks," He says as he and Stiles step in.

You lead them into your living room to wait for Liam to finish his shower. An awkward silence filled the air the moment the three of you set foot in the room.

"Do you guys want anything? Water? Soda? I ordered pizza so it should be here any minute if you guys want some."

"No thanks," Scott replies almost immediately, "You know, you look really familiar."

"I'm Y/N, I'm in your Econ class. I usually sit in the back of the class, so I can't blame you for not recognizing me." You smiled awkwardly which caused Scott to break out into a small smile as well.

The two of you spent a good minute smiling at each other like idiots before Stiles spoke up.

"I'm Stiles in case you wanted to know," He interjects.

You turn to him with an embarrassed, apologetic look on your face, "Sorry, Stiles, it' nice to meet you."

"It's fine, it's-"

"So," Scott says, interrupting his friend, "Are you related to Liam?"

"Im his sister. Well, step-sister actually. That's what he prefers to call me," You admit just in time to hear Liam's heavy footsteps pounding down the stairs.

"Y/N, who was at the-" He cuts himself off when Scott and Stiles come into view. "Hey, guys. Sorry if Y/N was bothering you. She'll be leaving now," Liam states.

"Okay, okay," You sigh, "I can take a hint, Liam." Before you can one step towards the door, a hand tugs you back by your wrist.

"It's fine. She can stay," Scott's voice rings through your ears. You turn around to see him giving you a small smile, hand still loosely gripping your wrist.

Liam looks at Scott in disbelief, "But I thought we were going to-"

"Talk about lacrosse? We still are," Scott finishes.

"Lacrosse?" Stiles speaks, "I thought we were going to talk about werew-"

Scott's grip on my hand disappears as he roughy elbows Stiles in the chest, cutting Stiles off.

Stiles let out a cough, "W-where we were going to meet up before the game."

It sounded suspicious to you, but you let it go.

"Thanks, but I can tell Liam doesn't want me to," You say, glancing at the younger boy.

"I'll see you at school then," says Scott.

You nod before making yor way towards the stairs. As you begin to climb the long, you can hear Scott mutter out a muffled sentence, one you can just barely make out.

"Wow, your step-sister's hot."

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