Scott McCall (Gone)

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(Y/N) had left, saying that she would return when everything was okay. Her mother and father had gotten a divorce. Her mom took her away, not telling Scott and the pack know where they had gone. What hurt the most was that her mother had taken her and changed her phone number and made them lose contact. It was horrible.
Scott had known her mother hadn't liked him, but he hadn't thought that she hated him so much to remove him from her daughter's life. He hurt the most, sense he had fallen for (Y/N) and she for him.
There was rumors about the new girl was hot and that she was an amazing soccer player. Rumor said that she was a junior because she failed her freshman year. Rumor also said that she had already been a student there at Beacon Hills.
It didn't take a genius to know who was coming back to Beacon Hills. It was (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the girl that used to be weird and hang out with Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski. The only difference about her now was that she was hotter than before and she had a boyfriend that came to live there with her.
She had almost completely forgotten Scott and Stiles, it hurt too much to think about the pack. She was the only other human that had been a part of the pack and her mother took her away, leaving Stiles all by himself.
Walking to her locker with her boyfriend Ryder at her side, she was being stared at by everyone. She was the new talk of the school. She was suddenly the 'it' girl and she had only just stepped foot inside. She opened her locker and put her stuff inside as her boyfriend held her bag for her. She smiled up at him.
"I can't believe you aren't over her yet?" Stiles said from across the hall, in a hushed tone. He looked from his old friend to his best friend.
"I haven't forgotten about her. I never will. I love her, Stiles." Scott said, like the love sick pup he was.
"So why not go talk to her?" Liam asked, the young beta not understanding why his alpha was acting so shy. "I mean, you know her right? Just talk to her."
"I doubt she remembers me." Scott said.
"It's only been a year." Stiles said.
"Almost two years, actually." Scott corrected.
"Oh my god." Stiles said.
"Here she comes." Liam said as he pointed toward (Y/N), who was indeed coming their way. She smiled at Scott as she stopped in front of three boys.
"Scott, Stiles, cute guy I've never met before," (Y/N) said and giggled as Liam blushed. "I missed you." She said and hugged Stiles and Scott. She bit her lip as she pulled out of the hug. "It feels like it's been forever."
"It does, doesn't it?" Stiles asked, leaning against the locker behind him. He glanced over to Scott giving him a look.
"I missed you too." Scott said and smiled at her. Then he saw her boyfriend come up behind her. He kept his smile though, not wanting to ruin the reunion. He looked from the boyfriend to the girl he wished was his girlfriend.
"Hey, I'm Ryder." He said, introducing himself. He wrapped an arm around (Y/N) and pulled her to his side.
"I'm Liam." The beta said, seeing as Stiles and Scott were feeling intimidated by the larger student.
"It's nice to meet you Liam." (Y/N) said. "Ryder, these are my old friends, Scott and Stiles." She said, gesturing to the two of them.

"I can't believe she has a boyfriend." Scott groaned at the end of the day. He was riding passenger in Stiles' jeep. Liam was in the back complaining about Scott's complaining.
"We know, you haven't shut up about it all day." Liam said.
"What did you expect? I mean, she went from adorable to hot in a matter of two years and she was living in only God knows where for that long." Stiles said, driving.
"I know, but, I was hoping that if or when she came back, she'd be single." Scott said.
"I think we're all hoping she was single." Liam said, fiddling around on his phone.
"Hey, remember that thing about adult conversation?" Stiles asked, looking at the beta through the rear view mirror. "This is one of them."
Liam crossed his arms in the back seat like a little kid and glared at the back of Stiles' head. "Whatever. She's still hot." He grumbled and went back to playing games on his phone.
"Anyway, there's nothing you can really do Scott. I mean, she seems to really like this Ryder guy." Stiles said and sighed.
Scott looked at him. "Thank you. The two of you are just the greatest advice givers ever." He said sarcastically and leaned back in his seat.
"Maybe she'll break up with him." Stiles said.
"Maybe he'll dump her." Liam said.
"Maybe he'll find someone else." Stiles said.
"Or she'll realize you're the guy for her." Liam suggested.
"Or maybe she'll cheat on him with you." They both said at the same time.
Scott turned in his seat to look between the both of them. "Did you plan that out?" He asked, a little freaked out.
"No." Liam said and shrugged. He looked back at his phone.

A week later, (Y/N) was walking to Scott's house at midnight. She knocked on the door every two minutes until Scott came and answered the door. She looked at him throw her blurry vision. She had tears in her eyes and her nose was red.
"(Y/N), what happened?" He asked, pulling her inside gently. He closed the door and rubbed his eye. She had his full attention.
"I gave him everything. I gave him me and I let him come here with me. I let him live with me and now ... he's a cheater." (Y/N) cried at the last word. She held her face in her hands as she sobbed. "I just can't believe him. He said he loved me. I loved him back too."
Scott felt the anger bubbling in him. He didn't want this to happen, he never wanted to see her hurt. He was so upset that this jerk had hurt her so badly. He pulled her into his arms, holding her close to him as she cried.
He looked up the stairs to see his mother coming. He held up his hand to stop her. "Do you want a coffee?" Scott asked his crying friends. He felt her nod into his neck and he motioned his mother to continue into the kitchen.
Once the coffee was made, (Y/N) had calmed down a little. She was sitting on the couch, holding a hot cup of coffee. She was snuggled into Scott as his mom went upstairs.
Scott held her close to him, not saying a word. He didn't want to say anything without thinking it through first. There were so many things he could say to her, to make her feel better. He didn't know what to say though.
"At least I know you won't cheat on me." She said softly and sipped her coffee. She wiped her eyes and sighed softly. "You're still one of my best friends."
"Yeah." Scott said softly and pulled her closer to him. It may have been considered too close for friends but he didn't really care. HE was happy to just have her there, even if it wasn't to the best of circumstances. "I hate seeing you hurt."
She looked at him, setting her coffee down. "I hate being hurt." She told him. Then before either of them knew what was happening, she kissed him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.
He had a struggle putting his coffee down, eyes wide in surprise. He heard the coffee cup fall onto the floor but he didn't care. He put his hands on her waist, ready to push her off of him as she was still kissing him, but something willed him not to. He closed his eyes and kissed her back passionately.
It lasted a good two minutes before she pulled away. She looked at him. "I never could forget about you." She said. "Even if it hurt me so much."
"I never wanted to forget you." He told her and pulled her close to him. "I never want you to leave me again." He said softly and closed his eyes.
"I don't want to." She told him and closed her eyes.

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