Stiles Stilinski (smut)

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Thanks to the fact that you had no more troubles - for a little while anyway - Lydia thought that the pack - and now Liam as well who brought Mason - deserved a break, so of course, she threw a small house party at the boathouse so you could all be real teenagers. Though, since werewolves can't get drunk, it was mainly only you, her, Stiles, Kira and Mason who were going to act like people expected you to.

That is not to say that it wasn't fun, though..

"Scotty!" you exclaimed as you walked towards him, just finished with another bottle of alcohol.

"Yes, Y/n?" he chuckled, helping Kira with one of his arms while he caught your stumbling self with the other.

"You are so- you're such a puppy," you told him, squinting a little as he had become blurry, and then tapping his nose with your pointer finger, making him chuckle once again.

"Thank you?" he asked, smiling as he passed you over to a sober Stiles. He only had about a sip of your drink because he was responsible for getting you home. Your family knew him best, they trusted him with you.

"No problem, sweetie pie! Oh my God, Stiles! Your hair!" you gasped, running your hands through his head of hair that had been longer for a little while, but now it was so fascinating! He grew it out? Last time you saw him, he hardly had any of these silky strands! This is amazing! "I love it," you said, staring at the styled mess in wonder and he laughed before taking your hands from him, trying to help you stand up.

"Okay, why don't you stop with the drinks now, Y/n," he chuckled before putting you on the couch and disappearing somewhere. You pouted as you realised that your best friend was missing, but soon enough, he was replaced by Lydia who fell into the seat next to you and smiled. The two of you started gushing about your hair, Stiles' hair, your dresses, how good the night was, and just generally being nice, which made Lydia look amazing and nice in your eyes.

"Lydia, how are you so pretty?" you asked, smiling and placing a hand on her shoulder as you leaned in a little, your normal sense of private space forgotten with the influence of alcohol.

"Me? Thank you, but you're pretty yourself!" she told you, her hand landing on your knee before she pulled back and leaned into the sofa, smiling widely, watching everyone else talk, laugh, joke around and generally enjoy that there was nothing to worry about. Even if for a little while.

"Really, you have so many boys falling at your feet," you told her, just looking at the strawberry blonde next to you, leaning on the back of the sofa.

"That's not what matters," she shook her head, smiling a little.

"I haven't been kissed since-"

"It doesn't matter," she laughed, looking to you again.

"Well it doesn't make me feel any better," you mumbled, suddenly not as happy as you were. The though had just pushed you not another phase of the tipsiness. There was one guy you wished would want to kiss you, but he truly wouldn't. He liked someone else. Or maybe he couldn't make his mind up, but you knew he wouldn't like you.

Speak of the devil, "You girls okay?" Stiles asked sitting right next to you so you were between the two of them.

"Yeah," Lydia grinned before looking at you again. "If it's bothering you that much, why don'y you just do it confidently?" he asked.

"I don't even know, I must kiss badly," you sighed, taking the bottle of some kind of ready mix cocktail form Stiles' hand and taking a long drink from it. All you knew was that it was fruity, and that it would help with any confidence issues for now.

"I'm sure you don't!" Lydia said, almost scolding you for feeling that way. She was always up for showing people that confidence is good and sexy.

"Come on Lydia-"

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