Stiles Stilinski (collage bound)

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"But the vision..." Stiles mumbles. You reach your hand towards him but he pulls away. The hurt in his eyes is almost unbearable for you.

"Stiles please try and understand." You beg. "I like the vision, I do. But it's not where I want to go."

"I'm trying but we were supposed to follow the vision." Tears slip from his eyes. "The schools around here have great Molecular Biology programs."

"Yeah Stiles, but this school is the best."

"But Nebraska is so far from California."

You pause and let out a sigh. "Stiles please." You say, moving towards him on the sofa. You lay a hand on his thigh and he leans into you.

"I can't lose you." He mutters.

"I'm sorry." Is all you can say in reply.

You picked up another box and loaded it into the back of your car. Your mom's car was all packed up and now it was just time to get the rest of the things in yours. It felt crazy that you were leaving California, your home since you were a child.

You hear the sound of a car pull up and turn to see Stiles jeep parked outside your house. Slowly he climbs out of the car and stops just in front of the hood to look at you. You two hadn't spoken to each other since you broke up after telling him that you were going to Nebraska for school.

Stiles had felt betrayed. He thought you were going to go along with his vision just like everyone else and staying close to each other in California. But when you had gotten into one of the best Molecular Biology programs in the country, you couldn't pass up the chance. And Stiles really couldn't overlook the decision you'd made.

"Hey," he says, approaching you tentatively.

"Hey," you reply. To be honest you're not really sure what to say to him. You continue moving boxes into your car but he grabs your arms, stopping you. He cups your face, forcing you to look at him.

"I'm sorry," he tells you. You nod but don't say anything in return. You go to move away from him but he pulls you back towards him.

"Please, Y/N."

"Stiles what do you want me to say. I leave today and I'd appreciate if you wouldn't make things harder for me."


"Stiles go."

He sighs and turns to leave. You return to packing your things but all of a sudden Stiles is behind you. He whirls you around, pushing you against the car and pressing his lips to yours.

"Stiles." You say breathlessly as the two of you pull away.

"Y/N." he replies, pressing his forehead to yours. "I'm sorry I freaked out at you. I should have been more supportive."

"Thank you, Stiles."

"So, does this mean-."

"No. Stiles we're not getting back together. I'm sorry." You say quietly. Stiles bites his lip, he takes a step backwards, nodding his head.

"I understand." He says quietly. "I'll go now." You nod and look down at your feet. Stiles surprises you by pressing his lips against yours one more time before hurrying towards his jeep.

Your fingers touch your lips, still tingling from the feeling of Stiles' lips against yours. Your mind races as Stiles jeep speeds away from your house.

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