Malia Tate (mine)

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"She's back," Stiles arrived at your group, talking in school after the end of the day. You were planning where to hang out for a weekly pack thing.

"Who?" you asked, pulling your jacket on since you were the last to come outside.

"Malia," he panted, pulling a pained face as he clutched his side and bent over, still trying to catch his breath.

"Bro, did you like run a marathon or something?" Liam asked, trying to hold back his laughter from seeing Stiles in so much pain over something he could so easily do.

"We're not- all- cross country- runners- and whatever- the hell- else you do, Liam," Stiles told him as Scott helped him out and tried to tell him things that would help. "Oh God take me to die somewhere," he breathed out and you couldn't help but roll your eyes at the exaggeration.

"You'll survive," you told him. "Who's Malia?" you asked, looking at all your friends for someone who would answer you.

"Well it's easier if we introduce you to her," Lydia shrugged before grabbing your arm and pulling you to her car. Stiles drove himself and Liam, Scott taking his bike and Lydia took Kira and your lovely self.

You pulled up at Derek's loft, which was going to have to be the target for the plague that was the pack. Every time you guys hung out, mess was the only thing left. So who better to bug than Sour Wolf himself?

"No, I'm serious, who is this girl?" you asked as you walked up the stairs with the others.

"Werecoyote, a little barbaric I guess," Lydia said, having enough of all of your questions.

"She's not barbaric," Scott immediately defended her. "She didn't grow up with humans, she's just not used to all of the social rule things," he explained.

"Etiquette," Lydia helped out.

"Yeah that," the true alpha nodded.

You walked into the loft and immediately took your places around the room, when Peter walked down the stairs, Derek following and then a girl also. Your eyes were immediately drawn to her as she smiled at Scott and Stiles, who immediately greeted her. The told you that they helped her out to accumulate to humans better, but she went off on her own to find out a few things about herself, and never really joined the pack. Until now.

"Hey!" Kira grinned as Malia sat down next to her. Your eyes followed her movements around the room, almost like a magnet. She was beautiful. The longest legs, the brightest smile, and she walked with a type of attitude that drew you in immediately.

She was the most gorgeous girls you'd ever set eyes on and you couldn't stop smiling and looking at her. Which must have been some type of odd, because Stiles nudged you a little, making you stop your staring and look over at him, blushing a little because of the embarrassement that hit you. He pulled up his eyebrows knowingly before grinning and turning back to catching up with Malia.

"Sorry, you are?" Stiles nudged you again and you looked up from the canned drink in your hand, courtesy of Derek, to him while he nodded to Malia, who was looking at you with a small smile.

"Sorry what?" you asked, biting the inside of your cheek, swearing a little at yourself that you were like a school girl who spotted a new crush on the other side of the playground.

"What's your name? I don't think we've met," she said as you nodded.

"I'm Y/n, it's really lovely to meet you, I haven't heard much but I mean, okay, wow, I'll stop now," and there was the word vomit... Awesome first impressions.

"Malia," she nodded with a grin before she said the words you didn't think you'd hear. "Kira can we switch?" she looked over at the kitsune who smiled and swapped places with her.

"Here we go," you heard Stiles whisper. You were now sititng between him and Malia as the latter started a conversation and everyone got involved except you, since you couldn't actually concentrate over the sound and feel of your heart beating a thousand miles a minute form a girl like Malia sitting next to you. It was just a little overwhelming. A little? Well...

"Are you okay?" Malia asked you quietly as everyone was in their own world, talking, seprate from you.

"Yeah," your voice jumped up a few octaves.

"You know, even if I couldn't hear your heartbeat I could easily tell you were lying," she chuckled.

"I'm fine," you lied again, drinking from the can of drink.

"It's nice to meet you," she tried to take your attention away form whatever was bothering you. Well, what she didn't know was that it was only making your heart beat more. "Are you sure you're okay?" she asked again.

"I'm okay, I'm just-" you exhaled as she grabbed your hand and squeezed it, hoping it would help before letting go in fear of freaking you out. Oh, on the contrary, Malia. It felt great. "I'm just peachy," you nodded as Stiles laughed at something the others said before turning to you.

"She has her moments," he said, throwing an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into a half hug, freezing when a growl was heard. It was meant to be subtle, but being close to the source, both of you heard it. You stopped chuckling, letting it quietly fade out as you and Stiles glanced over at Malia who was glaring at the boy and his arm around your shoulders. Stiles laughed it off before pulling his arm form your shoulders and you looked at him, surprised.

"Mine," Malia whispered before grabbing your hand and not letting it go this time.

"Sorry?" you asked, still totally surprised.

"You're mine, no one else's," she said as if it was obvious before winding her arm around you waist and pulling you closer, resting her head on yours as you smiled and let your head rest onto her shoulder.

"Good," you whispered, squeezing her hand and Stiles looked back over at you, smiling and sending Malia a nod before going back to the conversations. Well, let's just say the rest is history.

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