Scott McCall (Angel)

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I stood in front of a mirror just staring at my reflection. I wiped away my glistening tears, and I angrily shook my head, not understanding how I managed to get Scott as my boyfriend. I mean he's so attractive, funny, adorable, kind, sweet, and I'm just me. I looked at my acne scars on my chin, my countless freckles, my figure, my uncontrollable hair, and my slight stretch marks. Why can't I look like every other girl? I want clear and unblemished skin, with a slim figure, nice smooth soft hair, and I just want to feel pretty.

I heard a thud, and I whipped around quickly, and I just saw my boyfriend, getting up off of the floor. He saw my tear stained face, and my red rimmed eyes, and he rushed to me, and hugged me close. I felt warm all over, and I breathed in his intoxicating scent.

"(Y/N), what's the matter? I felt like something was wrong, because you usually use different smiley faces when texting, and you didn't use one, and so I came over, and then your here, crying. Baby, what's wrong?" he rambled. I just hugged him tighter, wanting as much contact as possible.

"You know what's wrong." I mumbled, embarrassed of the reason why you're upset.

"Babe, you're beautiful, never forget that, okay? You know what I think? I think, you are an angel, perfect for me. You may not think of yourself as that way, but I do. I love the way your eyes light up when you see me. You have the most beautiful smile in the world, because you have character, I know exactly how you are feeling by just the way you smile at me, and that's beautiful. And I love your hair, you know why? Because it shows how uncontrollable you are, and I love that, but most importantly, I love you." Scott whispered.

"Scotty," I whispered as I cried.

"Sh, angel, don't cry." he said gently to me. He pulled away slightly, and he held my face delicately in his hands as if I was a delicate flower. His eyes bore into my mine, and I shivered from the intensity of his gaze. I gripped the sides of his shirt in my hands tightly, and I waited for him to say something. His eyes flashed to my lips, and then back to my eyes, and I blushed lightly. He grinned at me, and then he pressed his soft lips to mine. I kissed back immediately, and I could feel the passion and his love for me through the kiss. He pulled back gently, and he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Angel, you want to know why I call you angel, (Y/N)? It's because you remind me of one." he whispered softly to me. One of his fingers wiped the tears off my face, and he kissed me once more, causing me to wrap my arms around his neck, and his hands moved down to my hips, where he pulled me closer to him. He broke away, and he rested his head against mine, and I looked into his deep brown eyes, that displayed all of his emotions.

"Don't ever say you are not beautiful, because, babe, you are the most beautiful person in the world to me. When we are separate it feels like half of my heart was just ripped away from me, and you are the only person I can think about. When we are together, you have my full heart, and I have yours. I love you." Scott said to me. I smiled, and I just hugged him tightly, burying my head into his neck, and I just let him hold me. We made our way to the bed, where we just cuddled, and watched movies until we both fell asleep peacefully.

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