Scott McCall ( how I feel)

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we should make it official...." Scott was laying next to you on the dirty ground somewhere in the forest, still out of breath from the last fight, still out of breath from the last confrontation. "What?" You turned your head, watching him, seeing the wounds heal, feeling how your own wounds started to heal. "That your my Alpha-girl." He moved towards you, pressing a kiss on your cheek. "That we're an Alpha-couple." He pressed a kiss in your neck. "A power Alpha couple." He smiled brightly and you smiled back at him. You had been together for a while now, working together as Alpha's, against the world, against the enemies, against the monsters, living and loving together as a couple who understood eachother that perfectly that it could save lives and bring joy. "Isn't that official then?" You stared at him, pressing your lips on his, wondering what he was talking about. "No, you need an Alpha-tattoo, your own symbol, we need our own symbol." He almost whispered and you widened your eyes, knowing how tattoos and werewolves were a bad combination, not knowing if you were ready for this, ready to do this. "It's over before you know..." He spoke even softer and stood up, reaching out his hand to help you up. "We're gonna ask Derek." Scott started running and you ran after him as soon as possible, still a bit overwhelmed and debating what to do. "Hey! We don't even know what kind of tattoo it should be!" You yelled, but the wind took your words away and they never reached Scott who was over at Derek's before you could say another word, before you could get close enough, before you could actually come up with the idea of running away. Maybe you did want that tattoo, maybe you did want to make it official, maybe you didn't doubt it at all. "Derek!" Scott screamed and in less than a second Derek appeared, raising his eyebrows and rolling his eyes. "What?" Derek crossed his arms, but Scott wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close. "She needs a tattoo." He smiled at you and you smiled back, shaking your head for a brief second, not looking forward to how to get one. "Great..." Derek rolled his eyes again and wanted to turn around, but Scott grabbed his arm to hold him back. "Alpha's have a sign, a tattoo, she needs one too." Scott almost pouted and you laughed, wondering if Derek would even bother to say no, knowing that Scott would continue asking anyway. "Fine..." Derek walked away and Scott and you followed him, your eyes suspiciously watching the equipment Derek was gathering, swallowing when you noticed that it looked even more terrifying than it had sounded in Scott's story. "Just like yours?" Derek stared at Scott, who shook his head and smiled in your direction. "No, she deserves her own symbol." He paused for a second, grabbing your hands and staring into your eyes, giving you the chance to drown in his for a second. "Two paws, wolf paws. One on every hip." He placed his hands on the spots and pulled you closer towards him. "One paw for me, one paw for her, always holding her and protecting her." He pressed a kiss on your forehead and you started to smile because Scott managed to catch everything that was important about the two of you, about the Alpha-couple, about the perfect team. You didn't think about the pain anymore, didn't think about the process, about getting the tattoo. You could only think about how perfect it would be when it would be finished, when it would be done, when it would be official.

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