Derek Hale (violent)

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Derek was off with the pack again and hadn't been home in the past thirteen hours. You completely understood that it was necessary, but to say that you were worried would be an understatement. For the past hour and a half you had been pacing around the loft from room to room, even up the stairs several times.

"Y/N!" You heard Derek yell from downstairs, you took the steps two at a time to meet him at the bottom.

"Derek," You breathed out, reaching out to wrap your arms around him. He stepped back from you, crossing his arms over his chest, the usual scowl covering his face. "What?" You asked, looking up at him.

"Don't what me, Y/N. I'm not in the mood." He growled, moving around to step away from you.

"I don't understand. What happened?" You asked, trying to get him to stop, to turn around and look at you. He whirled around quickly, facing you; his eyes were burning a bloody red.

"Nothing happened, Y/N. Nothing, but even if something had happened, why would it be any of your business? You're always so nosy and I'm completely sick of it. You need to mind your own business. I knew I should've left you with Kali and Deucalion, they would've finished you off." Your mouth dropped open, and your heart thundered roughly in your chest.

"What?" You whispered, attempting to back away from him. From the tight grip he had around your wrist.

"Stop saying WHAT!" Derek growled, you hadn't really seen it coming. It was something that you never would've expected, you were unprepared, and the pain didn't register at first.

Until Derek reached out to grab you off the floor, that is. You pushed yourself away from him immediately, his hand barely brushing your forearm. "Don't touch me." You mumbled, standing from the floor, attempting to ignore the throbbing in your cheek. "Do not touch me." You said again, moving around him to get to the door. You heard him say your name, but you ignored his plead for you to stay, listen to him, let him explain and slammed the door behind you, leaving Derek behind.

Three and a half weeks later

Derek had tried to talk to you many times, stopping over Lydia's house once a day, begging her for three hours to let him in. She continuously refused him. You had just started going to school again yesterday, hiding behind Scott when you noticed Derek walking over to you.

He tried and tried again, but every time you found a way to avoid him. It went on and on, for days, weeks until you finally moved on. You still ignored Derek, but if he ran into you, you would stand there with a blank look on your face, ignoring every word he said.

"Y/N. Please, I'm begging you to say one word to me. Just one and I'll leave you alone. I'm sorry, Y/N, I am. I regret every single word I said to you, everything I have done to you. And I love you, Y/N." Derek said, reaching out to grab your small hand in his.

You let him grab your hand, feeling your eyes water with tears. But you didn't dare look up. "I'm sorry too, Derek, because I won't take you back. Not after that, not after what you said to me. Maybe one day I'll forgive you, but it's not today, and I'll never forget it. I'm sorry, Derek, but I'm over you and what you did to me is not okay, werewolf, human, or any other supernatural creature. With that you turned away from Derek Hale, not knowing if it was forever or just for a day.

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