Derek Hale (inturupted)

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Your breathing was sporadic; your hands gripped the sheets tightly as your body arched. "Derek!" you groaned sitting up on your elbows as he smirked taking his mouth off of you. "What? Were you enjoying that?" he asked moving his hand to your wet mound, rubbing quickly, and causing friction to form. You whimpered as he smirked. "Pl-Pl-Please Derek" you panted. Derek grinned and lowered his head again.

You gasped moaning out as you gripped his hair in your hand. You felt yourself on the edge as you arched up moaning. Your legs were on Derek's shoulders, your hand on the back of his head gripping his hair tightly in your fist. You pushed yourself up on your other hand with your head thrown back. You looked up, opening your eyes to see Scott and Stiles standing there staring at you.

You screamed grabbing the sheet, covering yourself as you moved quickly away from Derek. "What happened?" He asked sitting up, turning to look at what you were looking at. Derek growled slipping on some shorts as he jumped up grabbing the two boys who were trying to quickly run out of the loft. Derek grabbed both of them by the necks and growled loudly. "What in the hell are you guys doing here?!" he roared scaring both of them alittle.

You wrapped the sheet around you and ran into the bathroom; you showered and began to towel dry your hair when you saw a note on the bed from Derek. There was a pack emergency and he had to go. This was why you guys didn't have a very active sex life; tonight had been the first night in two months that you actually had had time to mess around before doing anything serious. You groaned sighing as you lay on the bed in your robe and towel wrapped hair, falling asleep quickly.

Derek came back home in the early morning with your favorite donuts and flowers. He set up the kitchen table ready for you for when you awoke. He stripped and curled up in bed beside you whispering an apology into your neck as he fell asleep with you sleeping in his arms.

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