Stiles Stilinski special pt. 2)

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This can't be happening to (Y/N). Peter had turned (Y/N) into a werewolf when he was still Alpha but thanks to Scott and Stiles they helped her control her shifting and find her anchor. Stiles. Stiles was (Y/N)'s anchor he always knew what to say to her and keep her from going crazy on the full moon. But since then they face something more worse. The dead pool.

"Stiles" she groaned.
"What is it?" Stiles turned to look at his girlfriend.
"Why can't I just get something to eat by herself?" She sat up on Stiles' bed.
"Because you're on the dead pool and you're worth just as much as Scott" Stiles explained.

(Y/N) just rolled her eyes at Stiles. Stiles then got up and sat next to her. Stiles knew how much she hated getting babied around but that doesn't stop him at all.

"Look" Stiles grabbed her hands. "I know that you don't care of getting hurt but I'll be devastated if something bad happened to you"

(Y/N) looked at Stiles' eyes before pressing her lips against his. She started to climb on top of his lap as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She felt her cardigan slip down her shoulder as she deepened the kiss. Suddenly the bedroom door opened causing them to pull away.

"Please, tell me you're using protection" Mr. Stilinski stated.
"Dad...we...were-" Stiles said awkwardly.
"Just don't get her pregnant. I'm heading off to work now" Mr. Stilinski said before closing the door.
"That was awkward" Stiles mumbled.
"But funny" she smiled before attaching her lips to his again.

Stiles started to lay back as she stayed on top of him. (Y/N) then took off her cardigan throwing it to the side but before she can kiss Stiles again she felt something evil outside. (Y/N) let out a growl as her yellow eyes started to show.

"What is it, (Y/N)" Stiles sat up as she got off his lap and walked towards the window.

As (Y/n) looked out the window she met a girl with a crossbow pointing it towards the window. When Stiles put his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder the girl shot the crossbow. (Y/N) quickly push Stiles to ground with her as the bow broke the window.

"(Y/N)!" Stiles yelled.

(Y/N) quickly got off the ground grabbing the bow and went out the window. Stiles yelled out her name but she ignored him. She was following the girl who shot the crossbow at her. The girl lead (Y/N) into the woods but she knew it was a trap when she saw the girl's face.

"Violent, right?" (Y/N) smirked. "And Garrett" She added as she heard someone behind her. "Aren't you two a little too young?"
"You're worth just as much as Scott, might as well kill you first" Garrett said.
"I Would like to see you try" (Y/N) growled.

Violent took off her necklace and used it as a thermal-wire as for Garrett he had a knife hidden in his lacrosse stick. They both started to running towards (Y/N) but she was quick to dodge their attacks. Even though (Y/N) was a werewolf she still had her other powers. She then took out a small stick but in a press of a button it became a staff.

"I'm not afraid you" (Y/N) said before running towards them.

She used the staff to knock Garrett off his feet as he tried stabbing her and punched Violent causing her to pass out.


She turned around facing Stiles, Scott, Lydia, and Malia. Stiles quickly made his way to his girlfriend wrapping his arms around her protectively.

"Don't you ever run off like that! You could have died" Stiles pulled away.
"Sorry. It's just an instinct" (Y/N) whispered.

Scott and Lydia were relieved that she was okay. On the other hand Malia not so much. Malia has a crush on Stiles but she knew how much they love each other which hurt her a little.

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