Derek Hale (welcome)

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Derek smelled the blood before he could see it, or you. He mentally prepared himself for what he might find; dismembered limbs, a ripped out throat, black blood seeping from an open wound. Beacon Hills had been quiet for a month too long now, it was only a matter of time before something came around to shake things up a bit.

He wasn't expecting to round the street corner to find that the source of the metallic scent was something as mundane and ordinary as a car crash. A hit and run, to be more exact, because the only car there was yours. The door had caved in, the windows smashed, the car itself flipped over and sitting on the side of the road. He wasn't even sure there was anyone in the wrecked car, had actually turned around to go back the way he had came, until he heard the faintest beating of a heart. He immediately spun back, listening a little closer.

It was such a faint heartbeat, feeble. He went toward the car anyway, prying the door of its hinges in order to pull your body from the wreckage. He examined your broken body, constantly checking for a pulse as he did his best to assess the damage.

"Broken arm, broken ribs, possible concussion," Derek muttered under his breath, using two fingers to check your pulse again. He noticed that your once strong heartbeat was weakening, the beats barely audible. If he hadn't been a werewolf, he probably would have thought you were dead. "Weak pulse..."

Bringing you to a hospital wouldn't do you any good. Beacon Hills Memorial was a half hour away, twenty minutes if he broke the speed limit (which he didn't care about either way), but your heart would surely stop by then. But then again, the bite might not even work on you. You could die from it. But it could also work.

Not knowing what else to do, Derek bared his fangs, leaning down and sinking his teeth into the already cut up skin of your arm. Your eyes flew open briefly, long enough for you to let out a deafening and agonizing scream of pain that had Derek questioning whether or not he had just bit a Banshee before you went quite still again.

He had brought you back to the loft in his own car, leaving your damaged car there to be picked up later. His main priority right now was you. He bandaged the bite on your arm, leaving the other bruises and broken bones to heal naturally. You weren't showing any signs that you had rejected the bite, which was good. Hopefully your rapid healing would help to convince you that Derek wasn't just some crazy lunatic who bit you.

When you woke up, head pounding and your arm laced with searing pain, Derek sat by your side and calmly explained everything to you. Who he was, what he was, and what you were going to be. When you tried to protest, tried to tell him that he was absolutely insane, he forced you to sit back down, showed you his red eyes and the claws and the whole thing.

You crossed your legs, readjusting your position on his bed so that you could completely face him. "So, I'm like you now? A...werewolf?" You wanted the words to come out angry, demanding, but your voice was quiet and shy sounding. Not at all intimidating like you wanted to be. This guy sitting in front of you, this Derek Hale, he was the definition of intimidating. You expected him to yell at you, or at least be a little harsher. He had that sort of face, a permanent scowl and a built in glare.

Instead, he spoke gently, trying his best to explain everything without scaring you, which was more difficult than it sounded. "Yes, but don't worry. I'm going to teach you what you need to know, I'm going to help you. How old are you?"

"I'm twenty one, and if you say that I look a lot younger I swear to God I'll -" He cut you off with a wry smile, head tilted to the side.

"Punch me in the throat?" Looking taken aback, you nodded, cheeks going slightly red. "Your emotions are heightened right now, so I'm not offended by that. You're going to feel really angry, and really out of control at times, but that's why I'm going to teach you."

"Is there anything good about being a werewolf?" You exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air and sliding off the bed. Derek leaned back, raising his eyebrows. "Werewolf hunters, heightened emotions, uncontrollable strength, full moons that are going to make me go bat shit crazy! What kind of town is this?" You demanded, earning a chuckle from Derek.

"I don't even know why I'm still here sometimes," Derek admitted, waving you over to him. "But there are a few perks to being a werewolf. For one the thing, gaining more strength isn't bad. You're tiny, not height wise, but the way you're built. You can use all the strength you can get. Second of all, you get to intimidate people with the flashing eyes. You'll learn how to do that soon," he added, glancing up at you and making his eyes glow red again.

"Is there a third thing?" You questioned, hands on your hips. "Because I'm still not really psyched about all of this."

"Are you always this sarcastic?" He laughed, making you smile a little. He should definitely smile more often, you noted in your head. "Are you feeling any pain right now? In your arm?" As if on cue, a staggering pain shot up your arm, and you cried out in surprise. Placing his hand over yours, Derek shut his eyes. His veins went black, and all the pain you had been feeling vanished. "Werewolves can also do that, if we concentrate hard enough," he said softly, opening his eyes to find you gazing at him in amazement.

"Okay, that was awesome," you relented, smiling wider. It might not be so bad, all this werewolf business. Could even be exciting.

"Let me your see your arm again?" He asked, reaching out to you. You allowed him to gently undo the bandage that was placed over the bite, and you braced yourself for what was going to be there. Blood, torn up flesh, or worse, black blood. Instead, when he lifted the bandage away from your arm and told you to look down, the bite had completely healed.

"Tomorrow we start your training," he told you, standing up. You were still staring wide-eyed at your arm when he said, "Welcome to the Hale Pack."

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