Stiles Stilinski ( jealous)

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Even from across the field, you could feel his eyes on you. Pursing your lips,you tried your best to listen to what the guy in front of you was talking about. That, however, was proving to be difficult. The guy - Jesse or James, you couldn't actually remember - was on the Lacrosse team and had been bugging you ever since you and Stiles broke up. He liked you and didn't get the hint that you clearly didn't like him back.

Your breakup with Stiles was recent - only one month ago - and you were obviously still hung up on him. It had been a tearful breakup. You knew all about Scott being a werewolf and you were proudly a member of his pack but Stiles hated that. He was always worried about you and how he couldn't protect you because he was 'only human'. The fighting had only started in the last month of your relationship but it was strong enough to split the two of you apart. He didn't want you to come help fight the bad guys but you wanted to help. Stiles tried to ban you from going which led to a massive argument over how you can do what you want and after that argument, the breakup was inevitable. You might have wanted to breakup after all of the fighting but that didn't mean you hated Stiles.

Jake, you were sure his name was Jake, paused the conversation, "Hey, (y/n), I know that you just dumped that loser, Stilinski, but uh, I was wondering if..." Your eyes travelled over to the bench where you could feel the prying eyes. Stiles was staring at you and Jake with a clenched jaw. Quickly, you snapped your head back to Jake's as he finished his sentence, "Would you, uh, like to go out with me sometime?"

You had never been more thankful when Coach Finstock blew the whistle, indicating that practice was starting, "Everyone, over here!" He yelled loudly, "That means you Jake!"

Smiling sadly at Jake, you patted his shoulder, "Talk to me at the break." Jake grinned and ran off. Jake was a nice guy, sure. You and he had a few things in common; you could have a decent conversation with him at least. But... he just wasn't Stiles.

You missed Stiles. You missed talking to him; joking with him; being with him. You just missed him. You were still part of the pack so you did still help out and you were around him quite a lot but the last time you spoke to him was on the night that you broke up. Walking towards the bleachers, you found Stiles was still watching you. You swallowed and looked away, taking your seat beside Lydia who grinned at you, "So, you and Jake, huh?" She nudged your side.

You laughed softly, "No," You shook your head, "He's a nice guy... But..." Your eyes wandered over to meet those of Stiles, "He's not Stiles..." Lydia dropped the conversation, knowing that it was a sensitive issue, and carried on talking about the upcoming party that was happening that weekend. She was going on about her new outfit and what she'd do her hair like when Jake caught your eye and winked at you. Lydia noticed this and giggled. However, Stiles also saw the interaction.

Anger wasn't the word to describe him in that moment. He threw his helmet and his stick down and began to storm over to you, "Stilinski!" Coach yelled, "Where the hell are you going?!"

"On break, Coach!" Stiles yelled, his eyes blazing.

His eyes bore into yours and you found yourself calling his name and asking if he was okay, "Can I talk to you?" He asked, his voice much softer than it had been.

You nodded silently and stood up. Coach was still yelling at Stiles but neither of you paid much attention, "(y/l/n) is not a reason to go on break, Stilinski!" He yelled. You followed Stiles into the boys' locker room.

"Are you okay?" You asked after a few terse minutes.

"What do you think, (y/n)?" Stiles frowned, "Course I'm not okay!"

"What's wrong with you?"

"I miss you, (y/n)." He admitted, "I... I shouldn't have tried to control you and push you away. I just wanted to protect you; it was selfish." He ran a hand through his hair, "Seeing you with Jake it... It kills me."

You couldn't fight the smirk, "Stiles Stilinski, are you jealous?"

His cheeks blazed the same colour as his jersey, "N-No. I'm notjealous..." You raised your eyebrows, "Okay, I'm jealous... You shouldn't be with him or anyone else actually, (y/n). You should be with me. And I know you hate me, I know it's my fault that we broke up and I know that I don't deserve you. But-But I can't let you go without you knowing that I still love you. I am still in love with you and I think I'll always be... I- I'm sorry."

The happiest smile grew on your face, "You're such an idiot, Stiles." You mumbled before pulling him towards you and crashing your lips to his. He happily kissed you back, pulling your body flush against his. After a few moments, you pulled back, leaning your forehead against his, "But you're my idiot."

"I'm sorry." Stiles told you earnestly, "I won't be so protective over you all the time. I just don't want to lose you."

"And you won't." You promised him, "I love you, Stiles."

Stiles grinned down at you, "I love you, too, (y/n)."

You were about to kiss him again when someone burst through the door, "No sex in the locker rooms!" The Coach yelled loudly.

"Coach!" You gaped.

"Coach, we weren't... We weren't having sex!"

"I don't care, out!" The Coach glowered at the pair of you. As you walked out, Stiles beside you clutching your hand, you caught the eye of Lydia who beamed widely and Stiles caught Scott's eyes and grinned.

"Having sex in the locker rooms, despicable!" The Coach said loudly shaking his head.

Everyone's eyes were on you, "Oh my god, Coach!" Stiles yelled, "We weren't having sex!" You buried your face in Stiles' neck, oh you'd missed him.

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