Isaac Lahey (no problem)

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With the absolutely unordinary lives you all lead, Lydia thought it'd be good to have a girl's night in while the guys did what guys do. Also known as areas of their lives you shouldn't intrude on...

As Lydia commanded - because let's be honest, that is how Lydia communicates with you all - you all brought your comfy clothes to her house as well as bags of snacks and drinks, ready for a total night in with just you girls, food, music and netflix. Well, that was the plan...

Being girls, of course conversation drifted from one topic to another before it landed on Lydia's favourite subject of boys. More specifically boys in your life. "You can't seriously expect us to believe you don't like anyone," she said, opening a pack of some low calorie chips as she looked over at you with her 'i know all' expression.

"I'm not expecting you to. I'm expecting you to leave it," you chuckled, lifitng your bottle of pop to take a drink. Tonight was all about not caring what you ate or drank and just pigging out. Which, in Lydia's case, wasn't totally working, but whatever, she was having fun and that's all that matters, right?

"Oh, you're funny," Kira laughed, throwing a small bag of marshmallows at you.

"I know, thanks very much," you pretended to bow in your seat as you screwed the cap back onto your drink. "Look, I don't-"

"Liar!" all four girls shouted at you. You wondered how they didn't know already... You thought it was obvious. Well, apparently you were better than you thought.

"Wow, Jesus, okay," you exaggerated as the girls laughed at your Stiles-like hand movements. "I don't know I just-"

"If we guess it, will you say yes?" Allison asked.

"Fine," you agreed with a sigh and they gave a quick cheer before starting to put names on the table.

"Liam?" Malia asked.

"He's lovely, but age gap, and he's kind of like my little brother, so how about no?" you shook you head. They started asking more names and trying to guess boys and girls by identifiable features, like 'the guy who once sat next to you in chemistry in Harris' class and got you detention' or 'the guy coach hates' - sometimes you just wouldn't say Greenberg because you got used to one of you immediately imitating Coach as he shouted the name so to avoid it you described him instead - and ever total strangers like the guy at the video store or etc.

"Derek?!" Kira asked, surprised that she would have to think of that.

"Sour wolf?! No!" you exclaimed, a little outraged by the question.

"Hey, what about that guy who's in your English?" Allison asked.

"No, but right area," you helped out.

"I've got it!" Lydia exclaimed, suddenly sitting up and staring at you. "You like Isaac!" she said in the same volume and you immediately went red as a tomato and pulled the blanket you had in your lap over your head, hiding from their criticism as you whined out a yes.

"Y/n likes who now?" you heard a male voice and you could swear your heart stopped as the room went dead silent. You slowly emerged from under the blanket to see all of the girls turning to the uninvited guest who held a tub of ice cream in one hand and car keys in the other, his always present scarf tied around his neck.

"What are you doing here?" you asked in a quiet voice, but being a werewolf, he heard you loud and clear.

"Allison asked me to pick up some ice cream. Did you-"

"Oh yeah, she meant what she said," Lydia nodded confidently as you froze again.

"Lydia!" you hissed.

"Umm, I'm gonna go," Isaac said while placing the tub of ice cream onto the table and then swiftly leaving. You were all silent until you heard the fornt door closed, which was when the switch went off and you groaned, burying your face into the pillows in the chair you made your temporary home in. Though if Lydia kept it up like this, it might turn into your permanent home.

After not talking for the whole weekend with anyone but the girls, you idnd't know what to expect form Monday. Would it be awkward with Isaac? Or would it be normal? Could you handle it like adults?

You found out at lunch.

You slipped into the seat next to Stiles and Malia, opposite Allison with your food and greeted everyone with an open 'hi'. They returned the word before going back to their conversation which you joined in with.

"I haven't seen him since History," Scott shrugged form beside Kira.

"He can't have disappeared," Lydia told him.

"I'm not saying he did, but he just needs some time, I think. He was pretty flustered when he got back on Friday," he rolled his eyes.

"Wait, who are we talking about?" you asked.

The group shared a few looks before Kira just stared at Lydia until she gave in. "Isaac," she sighed in the end.

"Are you seriously telling me he ran away afer Friday night?" you asked.

"Who ran away Friday night?' that voice, again!

You all turned and looked up at Isaac who slid into the seat next to you, the only free seat, before giving the group a blank look. "You did, apparently," you finally said, trying to fight the light feeling of fluttering in your stomach.

"I've been here all day," he shrugged, starting to eat his lunch.

"So Isaac, I hear you have a new number one fan," Kira eased into the conversation you never wanted to have.

"Yeah, so?" he asked, looking over at her. You froze at that, your one hand on the table putting the bottle of water onto the table before you'd do something like crush it.

"So what are your opinions on that, scarf boy?" Stiles asked.

"I don't have a rpoblem with it," Isaac shrugged before looking over at you with a small smile, dipping one hand under the table and finding your hand, locking your fingers together. He didn't feel the need to let go once you just let him. "As long as you-"

"I'm totally fine," you nodded, making some of the others chuckle, especially Isaac who leaned over and pressed his lips to yours in a quick kiss.

Though that seemed to be too much for the rest of the pack.

"Ew! Get a room!'

"My eyes! They're burning!"

"Keep your hands and ouths to yourself until you're in a private place!"

Yeah they weren't shy when it came to expressing the hate to PDA in school. But who cares? You liked Isaac and he liked you, and hey, if you were going to have to live with your friends getting you together, they could deal with hand holding in public, right?

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