Stiles Stilinski (overstem. 2)

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t had been a week since that night. A week of no physical contact in a sexual way, only hand holding and light kisses, but you couldn't get it out of your mind. It was just about three weeks away from school starting again, and you knew Stiles had been hesitant to do anything with you, but was also keen to make you happy again. It was a rough bargain, but he made you happy in different ways. Lots of dates, sweet, hidden pecks, very few make out sessions in the Jeep or in his room, but most of all, lots of cuddling.

Frankly, you had enough of the careful moves... You weren't a china doll. You're a strong woman, who could take it. So you were going to show him that.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" he asked as you fell right into his lap when you came back from the kitchen. You were both at your house, just enjoying having another free day, alone in the house since everyone was out. Perfect.

"Sitting, is that a problem?" you asked, leaning back into him, your backside pressed into his front, feeling him have to move around a little, making you smile.

"No problem," he managed to say, but you could feel him having a little trouble...

"Are you sure?" you asked, leaning forwards a little, feeling him getting even more worked up.

"God, Y/n, stop," he groaned, winding his arms around your front and pulling you into his body so you couldn't move. You moved your torso to the side to be able to see him and you sent him a small smile as he closed his eyes, biting his lip to stay quiet and not let you win. "Stop."

"I'm not doing anything," you almost whispered, your hand on his thigh as you moved to get more comfortable on his lap and you heard him suck in a quick breath, promptly letting out a quick moan straight after.

"Y/n," he groaned out as your hand slid up, squeezing his leg a few times before he placed you next to him and got up, wi[ing your hands off him and leaving the room, rushing as fast as possible.

"Oh no you don't," you mumbled before getting up and finding him just by your bathroom before you grabbed his arm and pushed him against the wall, pushing your lips onto his, a hand pushing at his shoulder to keep it at the wall, the other being placed at his crotch.

"Whoa, stop-"

"Why have you been trying to ignore my advances?" you asked, panting from the passionate kiss you shared.

"I- I didn't know-"

"You think I'm fragile?" you asked, your hand palming him through his jeans, feeling his arousal more by the second. He hissed before shaking his head.

"You're not," he murmured and then you raised you hand, loosening his jeans and slipping you hand in so no material was between your skin and his. He let out a groan at that, his hands grabbing your face and pushing against the opposite wall, his lips crashing onto yours and soon enough you was grinding into your hand, pushing you further and further into the wall as your tongues moved against each other.

For the first time, you won the fight for dominance, and you had the chance to raise both hands to grab him by his plaid shirt and lead him to your room, up the stairs, stumbling a few times, before you chuckled while he realised you were in your room, and he quickly took his shirt off, getting his hand stuck while the two of you continued to kiss. You ran your hand down his back before pushing him onto the bed and quickly reaching up to tie his hands around the bed post. He didn't even realise, since your mouths were still connected, but once he wanted to reach to take your shirt off, he realised that his hands were caught, bound and he was unable to use them.

"You have got to be kidding me," he groaned out as you put your legs on either side of his thighs and sat back, smirking down at him.

"This is quite familiar, but I think it was the other way around," you pretended to think before pulling his jeans down and pushing your joggers to meet them on the floor. Your clothed crotch touched his once you sat down again and he let out a groan before pushing his head back into your pillows.


"Shh," you giggled, leaning down and pressing your lips to his, your hands their way through his hair as your hips started to grind into his and he let out soft groans in harmony with your whimpers while one of your hands traced down his covered chest and then into his boxers, not shy at all, since last week. You knew this worked, and you were right.

"Oh my-" he cut off to let out a moan as your hands started to tease him and you slid down his body, pulling his boxers down as well before your face was facing his crotch and he looked down at you while you tried to show him how much pleasure he had granted you the same way, your hand helping your mouth, his squirming and moaning figure making you soak your underwear, but you didn't let him release.

Once you withdrew from him, he let out a small whine as you smiled and slowly climbed up his body, your eyes locked, breaths heavy. "It's all about you, all right?" you whispered before your dominant hand reached down again and started to lightly tease his skin, his eyes closing as he bit his lips and you let out a moan as you lifted him to touch your covered core. He let out his loudest moan yet before you pressed your lips to his, tracing his jawline and then to his neck, hearing him gasp as your skin touched, and you sighed right into his air. You were both too turned on, and he had to voice that.

"I might actually-"

"Don't," you told him, stopping your movements as he let out a low grunt and you pushed your underwear down, rolling a condom onto him, then sinking down onto his length, finally feeling full as you started to move and he - in need of friction - thrusted his hips up, different pleasured sounds leaving your mouth and his.

He found a different love of seeing you on top of him, in control, pleasuring him and wanting him to be able to release before you. While one of your hands kept your balance, the other pressed to your chest, your head leaning back as you felt our stomach tighten and he twitched, just at the sight of you moaning on top of him, your middle constantly moving and with a whine, he had let himself go as you let out a whimper, and then let his name flow off your tongue as you also released, falling on top of him as he was still breathing, telling you compliments, calling you names that only boosted your confidence before you leaned up and pressed your mouth to his softly.

"Thank you,' he sighed out.

"Thank you," you told him with a smile before setting him free and he wound his arms around you, pulling you under the covers, the two of you whispering sweet nothings to each other, teasing and complimenting each other, talking over how you didn't have to be careful, because you'd tell each other, Communication was key, and you both wanted to keep that up.

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