Young Derek (smut)

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The last song of the night was playing; well, for you and Derek anyway. When the song ended, he reached up to take your hands from around his neck and he pulled you towards the exit.

"Derek, what's going on?" you asked, confused from his sudden confidence and giddy smile as he pulled out of the school parking lot.

"I kinda wanted to make this special, so I did something," he said shortly before looking over to you and smiling as you narrowed your eyes in playful suspicion.

"All right, I'll bite. What is it?" you asked, smiling a little, feeling happy that he seemed better. He had been thinking about something all night, but he finally seemed relaxed. It was a nice change.

"You'll see," he smiled.

So you sat in silence, but smiling, especially once he took your hand in his while he drove. He finally pulled up at the edge of the woods, the lights shining on a cleared path that was lit further by fairy lights in the trees. You furrowed your eyebrows as you opened the door and saw him grab some things from the backseat. Closing the front passenger door, you stared down at the path before Derek's hand slipped into yours and you turned your head to him, while he just grinned back at you.

"Come on," he tugged at your hand and pulled you down the path. You followed him, asking questions occasionally - waiting his patient answers with itching hands - but otherwise tried to remain quiet and show that you trusted him; which you did, but you were suddenly extremely curious as to what was happening. "Just calm down, it's okay. You'll like it," he smiled a little shyly, surprising you even a tiny bit more. He wasn't often shy. He was usually quite confident, cocky, and you liked that, but this was some sort of sweet. It was a great change. "I hope," he added quietly under his breath.

He stepped up onto a fallen tree and offered his hands to help you stand up on it too, which you accepted, pulling at your skirt a little and getting up, standing beside him, looking over at the meadow and your jaw dropped slightly. Derek was looking over at you with a big, satisfied grin as he heard your heart speeding up, even just slightly.

"Oh my gosh, it's so pretty," you whispered before looking at him. "You did this?"

"Well, I mean, I don't want to brag," he shrugged as you chuckled and leaned over to press your lips to his cheek.

"It's amazing," you said as he got down from the tree trunk and helped you down before you made your way over to the centre, where you found a picnic blanket laid out and a basket, but there was nothing in it. Derek put the food in the bag he brought from the car into the basket as he told you to take a seat.

You spent the next few minutes talking, eating - the food at prom wasn't the best - and laughing. He also told you a bit more about himself, since you'd recently found out about his family and what he was and of course you were interested. Eventually you had ended up laying on the picnic blanket, looking up at the stars as he talked to you about what it was like.

"You're so beautiful," he said after a few moments of silence and you turned your head to look at him, seeing he had already done the same.

"Thanks. You're pretty amazing yourself," you said with a grin.

"So you liked it?" he asked, pushing himself up to lean back on his elbow as he faced you, smiling, his left hand fiddling with your sleeve, the lacy material flowing between his fingers softly.

"I love it, still do," you smiled as he only smiled wider and rolled over, holding himself up above you. You let out a light chuckle as his hands placed themselves on either side of you, keeping him up.

"Good," he smiled, lowering his head and hesitating. "Would it be okay if I-" he cut off, glancing between your eyes and his lips, making you smile wide at his sudden shyness.

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