Scott McCall ( puppy crush)

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You heard Liam coughing as he walked into your apartment, recently Liam had been getting sick, colds, nausea, headaches. If it was out there, he had had it within the last 3 weeks. Liam opened your door, immediately flopping next to you on the couch with a groan. You rolled over towards him, pressing a hand against his forehead. Your boyfriend Scott walked in behind Liam, smiling at you before closing the door behind him. "Hey babe." You pressed a quick kiss to Scott's lips before Liam groans again, louder than before. Whenever Liam was sick he would come to your apartment, because you dotted over him, looking after him before he suddenly got better. Scott usually came with Liam, always coming to visit you and keep an eye on Liam. "What's wrong Liam?" You asked, getting up to fetch him a blanket and a pillow. "I don't know, I just got a massive cough." Liam said, accepting the blanket you handed to him.

"Maybe you should see a doctor..." Liam cut you off. "No! I'm fine, just need some TLC haha." He said nervously, fidgeting under Scott's gaze. "If you say so, I'll go make some tea." Liam grabbed your hand, pulling you down onto the couch. "No, please Y/N, just cuddle with me."

"I need a word with Y/N first." Scott said, glaring at his beta. Scott led you into the kitchen, pulling you into a hug. "Y/N, you know Liam's not actually sick." He whispers in your ear. You laugh, much to Scott's surprise. "I know, he's just got a puppy crush." You smiled at Scott before whispering "And I only go for full grown wolves." Scott growled lowly, kissing you passionately. You pulled away with a wi k, before walking back out to Liam. "Hey Li, do you want to crash here for tonight?" Liam nodded vigorously. "Cool, I'll order in" with a sly smile towards Scott you pressed a chaste kiss onto Liam's cheek, watching as he turned a deep red. Both Scott and you laughed at the pup's expression.

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