Derek Hale (smut)

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Erica was known to cause trouble. She often flirted with Derek, appearing in the loft with revealing clothes, short and low cut, ready to do whatever it took to turn Derek away from you and towards her. Actually, it was like that with any guy but this time, it was personal.

It took one fight between the two of you to make her hungry for revenge.

You had commented on her wanting way too much with Derek, and of course, she immediately found it way too insulting. Though to be honest, who wouldn't if you called them a slut? You knew it wasn't right, but you'd been jealous. She was trying too hard to try and charm Derek, who you liked a lot, let's face it.There wasn't one thing, it was literally everything in that guy. And she knew that. You and Derek had an interesting relationship. You flirted sometimes, he protected you, but it was somewhere between a brotherly protectiveness and a 'this is so not right' flirting. It's complicated...

Today however, was one of those days when she tried to finish her revenge plan.

"Derek, is this okay?" you were sitting on the couch, reading the new book in the series you had to catch up on, Derek sitting on the table and reading the first book which you recommended. He was waiting for Erica so that they could train.

"Yeah, whatever you feel comfortable in," he said, not even looking up.

Apparently that was not enough, because Erica rolled her eyes and walked in front of him, hooking her thumb into her short's waistband, pulling it down just slightly to reveal the band of her underwear. She looked up at Derek, over his book. "Are you sure it's okay?" she asked, acting innocent. You ignored her because, hey, Derek wasn't an idiot and you trusted him to at least not do anything with her in front of you, however much it would hurt if you knew that he liked her over you, but when he looked up and gave her a sarcastic look, like he usually gives Stiles, you only smirked a little. Erica leaned over, one hand on his knee, the other reaching to pull at the bottom of his shirt while she leaned over and whispered something into his ear.

That was the moment you decided to clear your throat and you saw Erica smirk one more time before turning to you with her eyebrows arched. "Am I bothering you?" you asked as Derek hid a small smile. He seemed to know that you and Erica had some kind of rivalry going on, or at least you just hated each other so he didn't want to get caught in whatever was about to happen.

"I'll be back in a bit," he said, getting off of the table and then walking out.

So chaos ensued, and punches were thrown left and right, each of you throwing out curse words such as 'bitch', 'fuck', 'asshole' and the lot, both of you having the worst words in the ammunition stack. But the fight didn't last too long, as the door opened and Derek pulled you off of Erica, since you didn't hold yourself back, seeing as she had the upper hand, and anyway, she fought back with just as much power and more.

"Erica, leave," he said seriously as she just smiled at the fact that you were being held back before shouting more potential insults at you.


"Leave!" Derek's eyes flashed red and she immediately left, picking up her normal clothes straight after while Derek sat you up on the table after having calmed down a little and just mumbling under your breath about how much of a bitch she was. Apparently it was fun for you because you didn't react once he started to talk to you. After realising you weren't hearing any of it, he took a more drastic turn and pressed his lips to your neck.

"Derek, what-"

"Calm down," he almost growled and you sighed out as your annoyance and insecurity seemed to just turn into ashes and you melted into his touch, your back relaxing and your head tipped back as he wound his arms around you, pulling you close to him and continuing to kiss your neck, pushing your legs apart and standing between them. You didn't even care that he didn't know. You wanted this since you met him, now was the time to just enjoy it.

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