Scott McCall ( Alpha Smut)

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You walked home from the pack meeting when Scott pulled up beside you in Stiles jeep. "Hey!" you grinned and got in the jeep. "I can't believe Stiles let you borrow this" you laughed as he grinned. "I promised I would take very good care of it" He pulled off the main road toward the forest. "Where are we going?" you asked looking at him. "Somewhere, where we can talk; I want to talk to you about something." He said parking the jeep in a clearing by a river. You smiled facing him; "what's up?" you turned toward him.

Scott looked at you and smiled turning toward you; "well, uh, I feel it's time I tell you how I feel" He said looking down at his hands. You felt your cheeks blush and you felt him grab your hand. You were in love with him, he was your best friend and you didn't know how to tell him. You smiled at him nodding toward your hands. "There's something I need to tell you as well" You said smiling. Scott grinned, and cleared his throat. "I really like you and I wish that we could be together" he glanced at you. You grinned. "I really like you too Scott and I want us to be together"

Scott grinned and pulled you to him kissing you deeply. You growled as his claws dug into your sides. You quickly moved to the back, clothes went falling and you couldn't keep your mouths or hands off of each other. Scott sucked on your sweet spot as his hands traveled down your body to your center. You growled your eyes shifting yellow as he kissed down to your chest.

You growled your claws digging into his back. "Oh god Scott" you groaned as Scott removed his hand and entered you quickly. You growled up at him as his eyes turned red and he snapped at you his fangs growing out alittle. You growled kissing him roughly as he slammed into you; he snarled and pushed you down forcefully growling at you. You nipped at him, growling. He growled louder at you. You felt yourself whimper and give into his domination.

You growled biting all over his neck and shoulders leaving love bites. Scott growled and you felt yourself becoming tense. You dug yours claws in his back scratching him as you climaxed. You yelled out, biting into his shoulder. Scott growled biting your chest, arms, neck and stomach as he climaxed, he made one final bite into your shoulder, marking you as his. You felt yourself shift and you yelled out in pleasure from him. You panted with your eyes closed. The jeep was hot; it felt like there was no air inside. You sat up kissing Scott and grabbed his shirt slipping it on. You rolled the windows down letting the cold air in as he dressed himself. You looked back at him and grinned curling into his side. "Well, that was just perfect" he said as you giggled as you sighed. "I loved it..." you smiled looking up at him.

You walked into Econ the next day to receive a glare from Stiles. You grinned at him hugging his shoulders. "Did you hear? Scott and I are dating now!" Stiles glared more. "I know. My whole jeep stunk this morning and worse than that. I found tons of condom wrappers in the backseat. I can't believe you had sex in my jeep!" He glared as you laughed kissing Scott as he sat behind you.

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