Stiles Stilinski ( impressive)

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Okay, take your seats! Yeah- that means you too, Greenburg!" Coach yelled, glaring over at Greenburg who was already in his seat. "Okay, so, get out your homework from last night. Now, raise your hand if you finished the homework, okay Greenburg, we all know you did you homework." Coach snapped, everyone groaned, including you, tuning out the sound of Coach shouting at the poor boy.

"Alright, question number one! To the economist, total cost includes what?" Coach asked, glancing around the room. No one raised their hand to answer, Coach still standing there pacing in front of the room. "Anyone who answers this gets five bonus points and doesn't have to take the next test!"

After the declaration of that, several hands shot up in the air, attempting to guess the answer. "Stilinski! What do you think the answer is?" Coach asked, leaning over to glance at Stiles.

You had only been at Beacon Hills High for a week and a half now and your only friend just so happened to be Kira, who conveniently sat next to you during Economics. "Who's that?" You whispered to her.

She smiled at you before scribbling down something on her notebook. Stiles, why? You shook your head and turned to look at the flustered looking Stiles.

"Y'know, Coach, I think someone else could really benefit from answering the question." Stiles said.

"Just answer the question, Stilinski!" Coach snapped back.

"I guess that it includes explicit costs." Coach rolled his eyes before turning to glare out at the rest of the room.

"You, new girl, Anna! What do you think?" He asked.

Your cheeks flushed, brushing a piece of hair from your face you answered. "It includes explicit and implicit costs, including a normal profit too."

"Look, Stilinski! Someone who actually knew the answer! Maybe you could learn a thing or two from her." Coach went on to the next question just as Stiles turned around to look at you with a look of disbelief on his face, it soon disappeared as he noticed it was you who answered and gave you a small smile.

You blushed, looking away from him and back towards Coach, who was yelling at Greenburg again. By the time the end of the class period came, you were beyond ready to leave. It ended up that only the first two questions were answered before Coach went on a rampage as to why Greenburg was even in the class if he was too good for it.

"Way to impress, Coach." You turned, noticing Stiles was walking beside you now.

"Thanks?" You said, stopping at your locker.

"Maybe we could, uh, or you could, uh, help me out sometime?" You looked over at Stiles, noticing that he was looking everywhere except at you. "You know, with Economics. Or any other class, you know, yeah."

"Sounds fun." You replied, before closing your locker and walking towards your next class.

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