Stiles Stilinski (sick)

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Stiles’ POV

Scott texted me and told me to meet him and the rest of the pack at Dereks loft for a pack meeting. I got there, opened the huge doors, and when I stepped inside, and I saw that everyone was… sleeping? Scott, Derek and Liam were on the floor, while Y/N and Malia were sleeping on the couch. I almost didn’t want to wake them up, they were all so cute, just sleeping like babies.

“Ehh, guys…?” Only Scott reacted, and everyone was still sleeping.

“What on earth are you doing?” I asked Scott, who had slept on the floor. He sat up straight and yawned. “We were sleeping…” He said. “Why were you sleeping?” I asked, while he yawned once more. “I dunno… Is it just me or is it freezing in here…?” Scott said, right before he sneezed so loud that everyone woke, except Y/N, whose eyes were still closed. “Are you sick or something?” I asked, before Malia also sneezed. “Are all of you sick…?” I looked at Y/N again, and she looked so cute when she was asleep. I walked and sat in the couch next to her. “Y/N?” I whispered. “… hmm…? “ She said, and her eyes were still closed. “I should take you home, you need some rest.” Y/N opened her eyes, and turned her face to look at me. “I… I´m freezing…” I smiled slightly before I took of my hoodie and helped her put it on. “I´ll take you to my place, my dad’s working, so you´ll have some peace and quiet.” She nodded, and I turned to face the other guys, who seemed to be falling back asleep. “And you, you should get some rest as well. Even the big, bad werewolves requires sleep and rest.”

Time skip

Y/N slept in my Jeep all the way to my house. I carried her into the house and up the stairs to my room. I carefully laid her down on my bed, and put my blanket over her. “Y/N? I´ll go downstairs and make you something to eat, okay?” “No… stay here with me.”  Before I did anything, I just stood next to her and watched her slowly falling asleep once more. “Of course… I´ll stay.” I said, or more like whispered, before I walked around to the other side of the bed and carefully laid down. Without thinking, I lifted my arm to put it around her waist, but hesitated. What if she didn’t want that? What if she just wanted someone to be there with her? What if she… But before I even finished thinking, Y/N took my hand in hers, and laid it over her waist.

“Stiles?” She said, after a couple of minutes of silence. “Yeah?” “Thank you.” Y/N said. “For what?” I asked. She turned her head and looked me in the eyes. “For being so nice to me.” And then, we just laid there, not saying anything, and just looked into each others eyes. I don’t know for how long but eventually, we both fell asleep.

Sheriff Stilinski´s POV (Stiles´ dad)

I came home after my night shift had ended, and I was tired and exhausted. I walked up the stairs, and past Stiles´ room. His door was open, so I turned my head and saw Stiles and Y/N sleeping in each others arms. Finally, I thought. I´ve always liked Y/N, and I know Stiles has, to. And they were so cute, just sleeping like babies.

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