Stiles Stilinski (moving on)

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It's been about two months since Stiles broke up with you, and you have no idea why. During that time you managed to "move on", and now you have a new boyfriend. His name is Tyler, and he seems to like you a lot, but you feel kind of guilty, because you know deep down you are still madly in love with Stiles. But what can you do? You needed to distract yourself from the pain,, and that's exactly what you did. Your friend Lydia helped by introducing you to Tyler.

You combed through your hair, and you looked into the mirror, making sure you looked okay. Tonight Tyler is going to be taking you to a party, and Lydia told you that Stiles would be there, so you knew you had to look happy, so he wouldn't know how much he hurt you.

"(Y/N), you're trying too hard. You don't want Tyler to catch on." Lydia, your best friend said. "Am I using him?" you asked worried. "Do you really need me to answer that?" she said as she inspected her nails. "I feel so bad now." You muttered. "Honey, you loved Stiles, and he broke your heart. You're not going to get over him in two months. Tyler is you distraction. Sometimes you can gain feelings for him. He doesn't need to know the truth." Lydia said. "I still feel bad! What if I was only Stiles' distraction?" you asked. 'Oh come on!' you thought to yourself. 'He broke up with you, move on already!', but deep down you knew you couldn't. You knew the more you pushed away those feelings, the stronger they will come back.

"For God's sake (Y/N)! Stiles broke up with you to protect you! Can't you see that? I can! Everyday he asks if you are okay." Lydia said standing up. "What so you tell him?" you asked smally. "I tell him that you are okay physically." Lydia said. You didn't know what to say, partially because you found out he broke up with you for protection, not because he didn't love you anymore. Now you really didn't want to go to the party. "Oh, no, I know that look, you are going to this party, there's no getting out of it." Lydia scolded, shaking her head at you. You sighed, and you put the last touches on your outfit, and then you heard on a knock on the door downstairs.

You ran down quickly, and opened the door to see Tyler. "Ready to go?" he asked you. You forced a smile, and nodded your head, even though that is the last you wanted. He grabbed your hand, and led you to his car, and you saw Lydia follow after. The way to the party was awkward, and you were sure he could tell. You were about to put your phone in your bag, but you got a reminder saying that tonight is the full moon.

You quickly shut your phone off, and put it in your bad, and hoped for the best. This town has a tough time with full moons. Even the most controlled werewolves almost break. You were sure you were hallucinating, but you swear you saw Tyler's eyes glint gold in the oncoming headlights. You pushed that thought aside, and figured that it was just your paranoia of something bad always happening.

Ten minutes later, the car reached the party, and he parked his car along the street. You guys all got out, and you fought the urge to run and hide. Tyler grabbed your hand, and led you inside. Everyone was already drunk or almost there. "I'm going to get us a drink!" he shouted over the music. "I'm fine!" you yelled back, wanting to be in the most controlled state of mind as you could, because something bad always happens on the full moon. He wandered off, and you felt someone grab your arm. You turned your head, and you saw Stiles there, and he looked mad, but it made him look severely more attractive. "What are you doing here with Tyler?" he asked angrily, and you were shocked. You thought Stiles had seen you at school with Tyler before.

"Why do you care Stiles? You were the one who broke up with me, remember? Not the other way around." You said bitterly. "I know, and I'm sorry. I did it to protect you." Stiles said. "I can protect myself, okay? I don't need a white knight in shining armor." You said harshly.

"It sure looks like you do." You heard Tyler growl out. He gripped your arm tightly, and you winced in pain, because you felt his nails, no, claws dig into your skin, and you felt blood trickle down your arm. "Tyler, let go of her! You're hurting (Y/N)!" he said, obviously not knowing what to do, but you didn't blame him, since you didn't know either. "Why do you care what happens to her, huh?" Tyler boomed. "Tyler, let me go, now! You're hurting me, and I want you to let me go, or we're done." You said in an eerie calm voice, it was the only thing you could do to keep from causing a scene. How had no one noticed that you were bleeding?

Tyler's grip tightened, and you felt your bone threaten to snap, and you let out a wail of pain. Stiles didn't know what to do, so he just acted. He balled up a fist, and decked him in the face. Tyler let go of you, and you stumbled forwards, and Stiles wrapped a protective arm around you, and you hid your face in his neck. He pulled you through the crowd, and you saw Isaac and Scott take care of Tyler, to keep him from coming after you.

"Take me home please." You whimpered. He kissed your forehead, and brought you to his car, and helped you in, because you were shaking so bad. You struggled to contain your tears that threatened to spill. Your arm was hurting, and you were completely terrified. "Don't cry, please. If you cry, I'll cry." Stiles begged as he drove. You whimpered, and you were mad at yourself for feeling so weak. Stiles reached over, grabbed your hand tight, and you felt comfort in that simple gesture. Stiles knew exactly that, but when Tyler held your hand, you didn't feel comfort, you felt cold.

Stiles pulled into your driveway, and led you to the door of your empty dark house. He was about to turn away, but you grabbed his hand to keep him in place. "Please stay. I can't be alone right now." You said in a broken whisper. He looked extremely upset that you were so scared. He nodded his head, and you led him to the living room, and he sat you down. "You're first aid kit is in the bathroom right?" he asked for clarification. "Yeah." You said, nodding your head. He kissed your head, and walked away, and came back a few minutes later. You felt nervous to be alone with Stiles, but not afraid. Nervous, because you knew you and him had to talk everything over.

Stiles carefully grabbed your arm, and he began cleaning the wounds. You looked down, and saw a dark bruise on your arm, and Stiles looked like he was ready to punch something. "I'm going to kill that bastard. He hurt you, he hurt my (Y/N)." he said the last part under his breath, but you still managed to hear it. With those words your heart swelled, and you felt a lump form in your throat, that you couldn't choke down. He took off his hoodie, and he wrapped it around your shaking form. You hadn't even realized that you were cold.

"Sh, (Y/N), what's wrong?" Stiles asked softly. "You just care for me so much. It hurts, Stiles." You sobbed. He hugged you close, and he let out a choked sound, and you realized that he began crying, too. "I was trying to protect you. I know it was stupid." He whispered. "I can't breathe." You said gasping for breath. He pulled back quickly, and placed his hands on either side of your face, and he looked worried, but he realized you were having a panic attack. He took a deep breath, and his lips crashed against yours.

At first you didn't know what to do, but you soon wrapped your arms tight around his neck, and kissed back with everything you had. He laid you back on the couch, and climbed on top of you, and a few minutes later, he pulled back slightly, and rested his forehead against yours, and you both were breathless. You also realized you weren't having a panic attack anymore.

"Take me back. I need you. I thought I could stay away from you to keep you out of harm's way, but I love you too much, and if that makes me selfish, I don't care. I need you." He whispered. "I love you, too, and of course I will take you back. I always will. Tyler was only a distraction." You whispered. He smiled, and he lowered himself, and covered your body in his, and you felt safer than ever.

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