Isaac Lahey (fluff)

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You'd lost track of time. You had no idea how long you have been fighting the Oni, now under the nogitsune's control. No clue how long you had been fighting off the inevitable.

You and Allison were fighting literally side by side, still having no idea how to really defeat the black mist behind the spirits' masks and armour. It seemed impossible; you both shot more and more arrows and you tried all the other weapons you brought; knives, a bow and arrow, guns. No matter what you tried, it wouldn't work. Those things just wouldn't die!

"I'm running out of ideas!" you shouted over to Allison as she kept shooting the Oni which came at you and you defended her and Isaac, who was a little caught up in his own world, slashing at anything he could. Well, maybe this doesn't beat homework...

"Keep going!" Allison shouted back at you as you were being pushed towards each other, circled by the Japanese spirits until you were back to back and defending yourselves with both of your bow and arrows. "Duck!" she told you before swinging her weapon around and shooting an Oni in the chest, the arrow actually hitting a spot and staying. You watched from your crouching position as a light shot out from the spot and in a few moments, the black mist disappeared into thin air. You stood up, amazed that it worked, when seeing a quick movement from the corner of your eyes.

You didn't know what it was, maybe some kind of primeval instinct, but you pushed Allison to the side and stabbed the only silver knife on you into the figure's neck, while his own entered your side. Your scream of pain was mixed with another, higher pitched one that shouted your name before another. Pretty soon, the humans around you had exclaimed your name in panic, a louder one ringing back from the walls as you fell into the smoke of black, a pair of arms catching you precisely one moment before you body would crash down on the asphalt like a mannequin.

"Y/n, no," you could only just make out the words as the hands flipped you over onto your back, hugging you close. You felt warm. It was different han in the summer, in the sun. It was- comforting, homely. It was Isaac.

"Don't-" you managed to make out as you lifted your arm on your good side and pushed his curls out of his face, feeling his tears fall like raindrops onto your face and shirt. "Don't cry," you added as he sniffled, trying to stop, i only to make your last moments better. He knew the inevitable had arrived. He could smell it.

"I never wanted you to- I never wanted it to end this way," he told you, stroking your face and pushing the loose strands out of the way at the same time.

"It's not ending," you told him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he broke down, a hand on your wond as he tried to will the blood to go back into your body and for your heart to keep pumping. He held your hand, absorbing any pain possible to make it better for you, but no black veins appeared. "I- why can't I-"

"Because I'm not hurting," you gasped out. Your breathing was becoming irregular, your lungs losing the power to do their job. You didn't lie. It didn't hurt. "Thank you," you said instead of telling him that all you felt was frustration that nothing was going as you wanted it to. You wanted to tell him how you felt. You wanted to let him know how much you loved him, how you felt, but- No words could express that. No words could express how and why your heart beat faster everytime you saw him, but little do you know, he never heard it. Oh, how could he? His own heart was beating in his throat when he spotted you in a crowd and approached you. His blood rushed to his face and he turned redder by the second, Scott often smiling about it. He called it adorable, Isaac called it agonising.

The moment he could hold you, he was about to lose you.

"You taught me how to save a life," you told him before gasping again. "You saved mine," you added as he let out a heartwrenching sob. It was the first thing that you talked about. He caught you humming along to the song at Scott's house, where you were waiting to study with the troublemaker, and Isaac chose that night to ask to stay with him. Of course, you were totally embarrassed, but that didn't stop your observational skills, seeing him for the first itme. The feeling was similar to whiplash. It hurt that he wasn't yours, and it only took a second to hit the 'wow, this guy I like' phase of your affections.

"But I can't do that now, why? Stay, Y/n, please," he pleaded, not wanting to understand that it was useless.

"You can't take my pain, Isaac, and I can't stay. But you did as you promised," you smiled softly. "You made me happy. I'm dying in the arms of the only boy I loved, Isaac. I couldn't ask for more," you told him, a tear rolling down the side of your face as everything spilled out. "I love you. Tell Allison that she was right. You're all I needed."

He couldn't help but smile slightly as he pressed his lips to your forehead, whispering his own confession. All those words that you wanted to hear, you heard them as they lulled you to eternal sleep. Slowly, then at a snail's pace as your heart finised it's last beat and your body went limp in his hands, your head falling back. It sent Isaac over the edge, sobbing uncontrollably, askign you to come back, again and again as he rocked in his place.

They say time heals all wounds.

He'd never been so sure of anything in his life that- that time couldn't heal all wounds. You were the wound. The wound on his heart that would never heal.

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