Scott McCall (Werewolf?)

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Today was the first day of lacrosse practice and your best friend Lydia invited you to come watch with her since both your boyfriends are on the team. It was going well and Scott was doing amazing but then he ran into Jackon's shoulder causing Jackson to fall down in pain and Scott grab his head and fall too.

"Jackson!" Lydia yells before storming the field. You follow her on to the field and go see whats wrong with Scott. Although you tried to go up to him, Stiles took him to the locker room before you could get to him. You decide to follow Scott and Stiles and after they go through the locker room doors you wait outside the doors.

"Scott, Stiles?" You yell. Theres no response only a loud crash. You barge through the door to see Stiles flailing on the floor trying to get away from something climbing on top of the lockers. All you can do is stare up at it in shock

"Y/N? What the hell are you doing here? You have to get out." He quickly says before shoving you out the door and grabbing the fire extinguisher. You don't know what happens next but you just drive home to try and process what you just saw. You sit on your bed for about an hour trying to figure what just happened. Then your phone chimes causing you to jump a little. Its a text from Scott saying, "Can you come over? I need to talk to you." You debate it for a while and the finally respond "Be right over." When you pull into Scotts driveway you see that his mom's car isn't there so you just let yourself in.

"Scott?" You say hoping he's the only one home. Then you here footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Hey," He says when he comes into view then pulling you into a hug. "Want to talk upstairs?" He asks. You nod in response then grab his hand as he takes you up the stairs to his room and you both sit on his bed.

"Stiles told me you saw what happened in the locker room." You nod. "And I'm guessing you want an explanation. But the problem is I don't think your going to believe me or you'll freak out."

"I promise that I will believe you and that I won't freak out." You say lying.

"I know your lying, but you deserve to know and also I don't want anything to happen to you," He says looking into your eyes and letting out a small sigh. "I'm a werewolf."

"Werewolf?" You question and he nods "So what does that mean, I mean what happens?"

"Well it means that on full moons I go crazy and if I get really angry or something I turn, which is a problem that I'm working on. But I can also run really fast and I'm really strong and all my senses are better," He tells you. "Sorry I kept it from you."

"Its ok, I can understand why you did." You say.

"So, are you going to break up with me?" He asks looking down but you look up in shock.

"Why would I do that?" You question.

"Well maybe because I kept a major secret from you and now you might be in danger and I don't want you to get hurt." He confesses.

"Babe, its fine," You say picking up his head cupping your hands around his face. "And now I can help you control it." You smile as he leans in and presses his lips against yours for a quick kiss.

"Well you are my anchor." He says before leaning in and kissing you again. When you finally pull away he asks,

"Have you had dinner yet?" You shake your head. "Then let us order a pizza." He says laughing and picking you up and taking you back downstairs to the family room. You two eventually fall asleep on the couch and Melissa kisses both of you on your foreheads when she walks through the door.

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