Scott McCall (Alpha)

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necklace. I froze when I saw the necklace, it was from my mother. I must have dropped it while running last night.

"Aiden found this. We know it's a girl because there's a name on there, (your mother name)" Scott exclaimed and Stiles took the necklace from Scott and took a closer look at it. I want to grab the necklace from him and go home, but I can't.

"It looks familiar." Stiles mumbled and I secretly hoped he didn't notice that it's mine. "I'll keep it to find out who it's from okay, Scotty." Stiles exclaimed and started walking fast, probably to go inform Lydia. Well I'm fucked.

"Alright, see ya soon!" Scott called out at him and by then Stiles was long gone.

"Why do you want to find the Alpha?" I asked and played with my fingers, looking down too afraid to have eye contact with Scott.

"what if the alpha's evil? We can't have that. I have to go bye." Scott said and kissed me on the cheek before walking away. I need to go to the woods tonight and try getting rid of my scent. With a loud sigh I made my way to my class.


It's night time and I took some of my sisters clothes to leave the scent there and not mine. I can't risk that my friends finds out that I'm also an alpha. I'm perfectly fine how things are right now. I grabbed some stuff and opened the window to my room and climed out. Let the adventure begin.

It took about 20 minutes to walks to the woods and I started running the path that I was at yesterday. I was rubbing my sister clothes on the dirt when I heard someone yell. I looked behind me and there stood Scott, Stiles and Derek. I flashed my eyes red and quickly ran away.

I ran like there was no tomorrow. I looked behind me and Scott was catching up. Ofcourse, it's Scott he'd do anything to know who the 'alpha in town' was. All of the sudden I stopped running which made Scott stopped also. He was about to grab my arm but I turned the other way and continue running.

"STOP!" Scott growled which me stop in my tracks. I looked behind me and Scott was in his werewolf form. I growled loudly, signalling him to fuck off. But he didn't.

"You stop right there!" Scott yelled and I glared at him, I was ready to run but Stiles came behind one of the trees and threw mountain ash around me, so now I'm fucking trapped.

"'Don't run next time." Stiles panted and leaned on one of the trees. Scott came closer and I looked down, not wanting him to see me.

"Who are you?" Scott asked and came close to me, I looked down at my shoes and I stayed quiet. Can they leave me alone.

"Let me go." I mumbled and I heard Stiles chuckle behind me.

"No can do, amiga." Stiles said and walked next to Scott. "You better show us who you are or else I'm going to shove mountain ash down your throat till you speak. I don't care if you're a girl or not. But there's only one alpha in this town and its Scott." Stiles exclaimed and I sighed at this stupid boy.

"There can be more than one alpha, Stiles. In this town there's more than 1, so know your information." I argued and turned my back towards them.

"How you know my name?" Stiles asked puzzled. By the tone of his voice I could tell he's confused. "How the fuck do you know my name? Are you following us? Omg you are a creep, don't you have a fucking life or something? All you do is fol-"

"Stiles it's enough." Scott cutted Stiles off and I hear Stiles groaned.

"Let her talk."

Well this is it. The guys are going to find out that I'm an alpha now. "It's me." I said and turned around to face them. Stiles jaw almost dropped to the floor and same goes for Scott.

"W-what? You-, you're an Al-alpha?" Stiles asked confused and I nodded my head. Stiles immediately cleared the mountain ash so I could pass which I did.

"I didn't want you to know because there's one alpha and that's Scott we don't need 2 in this town." I explained and looked at them and Scott looked amazed.

"It doesn't matter if there's two in this town. You should've told us, we would be there for you!" Scott said and Stiles nodded his head in agreement.

"But wait you don't have a pack? So how can you be an alpha?" Stiles asked and I shrugged. I don't even know the answer myself

"I don't know... One day I woke up and my eyes flashed red instead of yellow, so I have no clue." I replied and leaned on one of the trees.

"You can join our pack!" Scott suggest after a while, I shook my head no and started walking away.

"No, every pack has one alpha Scott. You dont need two!" I exclaimed and looked at them but Scott was grinning. "What?"

"You're one of our bestfriend and we want you to be in our pack, doesn't matter if your also an alpha. Now please." Scott pleaded with his puppy eyes. I cursed at Scott with his adorableness which can get him anywhere.

"Fine, guess I'm in your pack." I laughed and Siles pumped his fist in the air and cheered, which made me giggle.

"We're glad." Scott said and I smiled at him.

"By the way, where's Derek?" I asked them and Stiles said something about his car. I don't know what I was afraid for telling them. They still treated me the same and I guess Ma was wrong. There can be more than one alpha in the pack.

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